Dream of Applying Lip Balm

MEANING: Dream of applying lip balm symbolises that you feel lost and that there is no way out. Some minor comments or situations may make you jealous of your partner. You’ll find that everything costs you twice as much today, even the daily chores. Luck in economic matters comes to you through friends or family. […]
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Dream of Lip Piercing

MEANING: Dream of lip piercing means that take advantage of any invitation to change scenery and go for a ride. Ask for forgiveness or propose to talk about it with sincerity. Your perfectionism, sometimes, knows no limits. You must trust your judgment no matter how much one of your superiors tells you that you are […]
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Dream of Bad Lips

MEANING: Dream of bad lips indicates that deals with other people will be favorable and will produce benefits for you. Watch out for those who want to take advantage of you. Your impulsive character will once again play tricks on you. Impatience, which is not usual for you, may surface today, so you must be […]
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Dream of Lip Hair

MEANING: Dream of lip hair suggests that you may be overlooking something important. It is the beginning of a mental change that will be very positive. You will feel very good and very satisfied after acting as you should. Your work is excellent and everyone is happy with you. You are still worried about the […]
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Dream of A Kiss On The Lips

MEANING: Dream of a kiss on the lips shows that you don’t need to control anyone but yourself. The best way to solve some problem is to cut it out of your life. You’ll start off in a somewhat touchy mood, but as the afternoon goes by you’ll feel better. An unexpected event will make […]
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Dream of A Big Lips

MEANING: Dream of a big lips means that an event will make you change your point of view. You are trying to establish your identity and sense of self. You will know how to approach a problem from a quite skillful perspective, and more at work. Although the lack of harmony between both is perceived, […]
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Dream of Thin Lips

MEANING: Dream of thin lips symbolises that you need to reevaluate who you associate with. Taking the steps that indicate your own way of seeing things is the best thing you can do. Don’t let the past influence what you want to do in the present. Your ability and knowledge is being called into question. […]
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Dream of Broken Lip

MEANING: Dream of broken lip signifies that don’t be upset by an argument at work. Your health will tend to improve over the next few days. Not the best time to make a major purchase, even if you’ve been saving. You need to be more careful with your spending. Emotional stability is in danger and […]
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Dream of Cut Lip

MEANING: Dream of cut lip indicates that don’t doubt the love that one of the closest people in your life has for you. Two loves, each very different, are glimpsed on the horizon. You have reached a critical point in your life and cannot risk losing control. You must counteract it as soon as possible, […]
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Dream of Peeling Lips

MEANING: Dream of peeling lips suggests that you should take a good look at the situation with a person from your past who is still in the present. You are on a creative streak and you will make the most of the situation. You will be very accurate with the decisions you make and with […]
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