Dream of Lion Hugging Me

MEANING: Dream of lion hugging me signifies that you are refusing to work together with someone on a project. The conversations will be very interesting and you will find out something that will be very useful in the future. Don’t let a negative person impose his criteria and contaminate you. You need to re-evaluate your […]
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Dream of Lion Hunting Deer

MEANING: Dream of lion hunting deer shows that perseverance is one of your best virtues and today it will come out with unusual strength. The way you are analyzing some problems in your work is not entirely rational. Don’t take them into account, pretend you’re not listening to her and she won’t pressure you anymore. […]
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Dream of Lion Kiss

MEANING: Dream of lion kiss indicates that you are blocking out subconscious material from emerging onto the surface. You will not lack energy to face the day to day. You can go about your business, as if you had not heard his words, some of them harmful. You need to back off of a fight […]
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Dream of Lion Male

MEANING: Dream of lion male symbolises that your will and your ambitions will allow you to reach the goal in the shortest time. A family event will occupy you all afternoon and part of the night. You feel attached to your partner, but maybe you can get monotony. You will grow in the material and […]
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Dream of Lion Protecting

MEANING: Dream of lion protecting expresses that you are being recognized for your abilities and talents. You may give up a whim or a leisure outing. Everything will depend on the attitude you adopt in front of some criticism that the family will make. Your partner will tell you something and you will have to […]
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Dream of Lion Or Tiger

MEANING: Dream of lion or tiger expresses that something that worries you prevents you from resting well. You will make major changes in how you manage your life. You channel your energy now towards the constructive and the really valuable. As you will see, it was no big deal, despite what you were afraid of. […]
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Dream of Lion Roaring

MEANING: Dream of lion roaring shows that you are overlooking the little details that keeps and holds everything together. In love you will feel very passionate, intense and satisfying. Your subconscious is trying to make you aware of a solution to a problem. You will be very sensitive and will want your partner to lavish […]
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Dream of Lion Stalking Me

MEANING: Dream of lion stalking me expresses that that’s not fair and now your conscience is going to remind you in a very clear and insistent way. Everything will be fine in relation to your health, but you must continue to take care of it. Someone far away will be a great inspiration. You will […]
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Dream of Lion Sleeping

MEANING: Dream of lion sleeping suggests that you are feeling helpless or powerless in some situation. Someone gives you a hand with his advice, very useful. Today you will have a big discussion with a close relative. Perhaps you are having second thoughts about a decision you have made. Your mental energy will be wide […]
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Dream of Cuddling A Lion

MEANING: Dream of cuddling a lion signifies that you feel unsupported by those around you. Days of emotions and new projects are waiting for you. Let yourself be carried away by adventures or temptations. You gain stability after a long personal maturation process. Today will be a day for reflection and analysis. Dreaming about cuddling […]
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