Dream of Being Left Behind On A Trip

MEANING: Dream of being left behind on a trip means that every day is a new opportunity to prove your personal worth. There are certain situations in your work that are preventing you from prospering as you deserve. Avoid judging a friend who will not act as you think he should. You’ll be inspired and […]
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Dream of Stove Left On

MEANING: Dream of stove left on signifies that your environment may be troubled, perhaps by a family matter. You are trying to take back something you said. Love is looking for you and this time with very good intentions. You have to be more careful or you will get into a mess from which it […]
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Dream of Pumpkin Leaves

MEANING: Dream of pumpkin leaves suggests that you need to be more open about your emotions and express how you really feel. You will like to observe closely every person who enters your circle of friends for the first time. You will enjoy like never before something extraordinary that in no way you could expect. […]
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Dream of Raking Leaves

MEANING: Dream of raking leaves signifies that you are refusing to see or acknowledge some truth. You are trying too hard to adapt to this new attitude. Reflect on it and evaluate if there is someone who could be hindering your good work. You are not quite clear what you want from now on. There […]
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Dream of A Large Leaves

MEANING: Dream of a large leaves shows that try to temper your nerves and not jump with hard words. It is not logical for you to act according to what others want. Seize the moment to prove your worth is greater than it seemed until now. You may be in the midst of difficult or […]
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Dream of Leaving Child Alone

MEANING: Dream of leaving child alone shows that today you should be discreet if someone asks you about a love affair of a friend or a colleague. You will do your best to spend more time with your family. Your life is blowing in a new direction. You must learn to value each person as […]
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Dream of Plucking Leaves

MEANING: Dream of plucking leaves expresses that work or business matters take priority. You are feeling subconsciously threatened. A relative or family member offers you an opportunity that will benefit you financially. The weekend is coming and will make the atmosphere in your surroundings more relaxed. In the face of love, you can have the […]
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Dream of Being Left Behind By A Boat

MEANING: Dream of being left behind by a boat symbolises that remember that trying to advance is how you learn. You are looking for a change or for something new. You begin to think that certain responsibilities, relatively new, weigh heavily on you. Determine which relationships are bringing you great things. You can’t complain, after […]
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