Dream of Broken Lamp

MEANING: Dream of broken lamp shows that if you are in the middle of a medical process, be patient. You will overcome some challenges in your life. The search for truth, the encounter with yourself will now be what will call your attention. You feel that you have tried everything and that nothing has worked. […]
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Dream of Lamp On Fire

MEANING: Dream of lamp on fire symbolises that you need to proceed with caution in conducting some business matter. Routine is not good for any couple, but even less so for yours. Try not to be too noticeable with untrustworthy people. Learn from the lessons that destiny will give you today in the emotional field. […]
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Dream of Lamp Shades

MEANING: Dream of lamp shades suggests that you are unprepared for what is ahead for you. You should not delegate certain responsibility in a job that is yours and no one else’s. Happiness is an inner state, as you know. Trust and honesty are important qualities. Now you see it much clearer because you don’t […]
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