Dream of Shirt Ironing

MEANING: Dream of shirt ironing expresses that in love you will have to face a hard test today. You will spend more time at home with family than with friends. A person in your circle, perhaps in your family, demands more attention. Send everything that has happened to you into oblivion. Calm down because everything […]
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Dream of Ironing

MEANING: Dream of ironing means that casually, a harmful person enters your life, but it will take time to realize. You are interested in any occupation that allows you to apply your enormous creative potential. It will not hurt you to be active, it will take away that pessimistic tone of your mind. You are […]
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Dream of Ironing Pants

MEANING: Dream of ironing pants means that take it very philosophically and calmly and don’t get too excited that it won’t help you mentally. You are being too picky about something that you should not be picky about. You want to always remember someone who is passed-away in a positive light. The good deeds of […]
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Dream of Ironing Clothes

MEANING: Dream of ironing clothes shows that a journey is near, but you don’t know the destination yet. You will work now with more dedication and love and the results will be wonderful. Some small patch is visible in the pocket. Focus on the work and activate your creative side. You are feeling like an […]
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Dream of Ironing Board

MEANING: Dream of ironing board suggests that you are reacting to things with an envious or monetary mindset. Talking to an acquaintance you will realize something that you have not yet shuffled. You are giving birth to a new idea or project. You would like your partner to be more affectionate when you are in […]
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