Dream of Baby Iguana

MEANING: Dream of baby iguana symbolises that that generosity will be rewarded later. You won’t feel like planning an outing or making any kind of effort today. You can have a very nice surprise. Don’t blame others for things that don’t turn out the way you would have liked. You are being watched or are […]
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Dream of Bitten By An Iguana

MEANING: Dream of bitten by an iguana suggests that you are afraid of exposing some aspect of yourself. The truth is that you will be able to give completely new arguments and innovative solutions. It would be good for you to do some self-criticism and analyze what things you can change. Try to do something […]
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Dream of Killing Iguana

MEANING: Dream of killing iguana signifies that you will be liked very much by someone who is going to introduce you and you must not lose track. You miss someone, but the occupations of both of you do not allow you to see each other assiduously. All unions or associations you make today will be […]
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Dream of Green Iguana

MEANING: Dream of green iguana expresses that accept realities, don’t want to put paint over something that is unpleasant. Relax more, even if it means leaving things undone. It is not a bad idea to take a trip these days, even if it is not to very distant destinations. You are not able to fully […]
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Dream of Iguana Biting

MEANING: Dream of iguana biting indicates that don’t get into games you don’t want to play and focus on your own. After a few very romantic days you and your partner will take different paths distancing yourselves a little. It clears up a confusion or something you had misunderstood and now you will have more […]
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Dream of Iguana Attack

MEANING: Dream of iguana attack means that you are searching through your subconscious for a better understanding of yourself. That step is very positive because it will be important in the future. You will get a little nervous about a work incident that will be caused by one of your colleagues. You need to start […]
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Dream of Colorful Iguana

MEANING: Dream of colorful iguana signifies that the temptation of laziness will be great, but your commitment to yourself must be greater. For the time being, it is better not to start any new adventure, especially in unfamiliar terrain. Take the steps you need to take and decide the direction you want to take to […]
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Dream of Iguana Chasing Me

MEANING: Dream of iguana chasing me signifies that matters in love become clearer as your life regains its direction. Dare to be happy without feeling guilty for your mistakes or for the misfortunes of others. If you’re attached to someone, it’s a crucial time in the relationship. Your stomach may suffer if you eat something […]
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Dream of Flying Iguana

MEANING: Dream of flying iguana indicates that you are filling up the agenda too much and that is not good. You must take care of your economy, it’s not bad but you could spend too much if you don’t control yourself. Get into your spirit the ability to forgive a person who has offended you […]
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Dream of Iguana Following Me

MEANING: Dream of iguana following me symbolises that time to make a decision for the future. You are overworked or preoccupied with work. There are some aspect or characteristic that you are rejecting. Emotional issues still mark much of your time and thoughts. You want to escape from your current responsibilities and be worry free. […]
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