Dream of Being Given Ice

MEANING: Dream of being given ice signifies that perhaps today is the day to stop smoking. You will now have the power to create beauty, wealth and health. Be patient with children and the elderly. Luck is on your side when it comes to career advancement. Emotional blockage begins to dissipate and emotional ties improve. […]
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Dream of Serving Ice Cream

MEANING: Dream of serving ice cream shows that you could pay the price of not listening to what your inner self is telling you, but it won’t be serious. Something you have wanted to hide for a long time might come to light. If today you are overcome by pessimism, fight it by staying with […]
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Dream of Eating Ice

MEANING: Dream of eating ice means that you are going to settle an outstanding account that does not necessarily have to be money. You will make new professional contacts today at a partnership event or on a business trip. You are being stuffy, unyielding and rigid. Your intuition, that sixth sense that always leads you […]
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Dream of Getting Ice Cream

MEANING: Dream of getting ice cream suggests that a current situation is paralleling a past situation. You spend a lot of hours at work, more than you would like. You will feel excited and happy before a new project that is not yet fully materialized. You are trying to cover-up or hide something. Your neighbors […]
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Dream of Being Trapped In Ice

MEANING: Dream of being trapped in ice shows that you will feel an intense joy and you won’t even know why. Don’t sign anything today, any important document, because you might regret it later. A certain situation will clearly show you how a person you expect loyalty from works. Today you will feel a need […]
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Dream of Dropping Ice Cream

MEANING: Dream of dropping ice cream symbolises that you are trying to bring joy and positivity to those around you. It is true that this will absorb you more than you had supposed and will tire you out somewhat. The great protagonist will be your sex life. Your look will become wiser, and that will […]
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