MEANING: Dream of hug husband expresses that there is something that you are forced to confront. You need to better balance aspects of your life. An issue you are passionate about can lead to intense discussions and a lot of stress. You are looking for the company of family members and would like to have […]
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Dream of Marriage With Husband
MEANING: Dream of marriage with husband symbolises that take advantage of this opportunity to change those aspects of your life that do not go as you would like. You need to gain a wider perspective on some situation. Work or business matters take priority. Perhaps you are acting stupid and need to wise up. Save […]
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Dream of Estranged Husband
MEANING: Dream of estranged husband signifies that a friend will give you a hint about the direction you are interested in following at this time in your life. When you least expect it, someone will give you a surprise that will be most pleasant for you. You’re going to take a few days off to […]
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Dream of Death Of Ex Husband
MEANING: Dream of death of ex husband shows that you must understand that you and she are equally responsible. Seize the occasion and open your heart to him. Let them breathe and don’t start marking obligations in advance. You must resolve a paperwork or management issue today. Today you will have time to file down […]
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Dream of Abusive Husband
MEANING: Dream of abusive husband indicates that you feel fulfilled and for the first time you do not need others to be happy. Stay away from power struggles that may be around you in the professional or social circle. Today everything that means buying and selling, business and communications will be very well aspect. You […]
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Dream of Snake Husband
MEANING: Dream of snake husband symbolises that you may be experiencing some major struggle and overwhelming problem. Everything will be great for you especially at the end of this week. Although it may sometimes seem so, your efforts at work are not going unnoticed. You need to get in touch with some aspect of yourself. […]
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Dream of Second Marriage Of Husband
MEANING: Dream of second marriage of husband suggests that don’t let a co-worker, always the same one, continue to undermine your self-esteem. Learn to laugh at life’s most absurd situations and also at yourself more often. You should communicate with your partner more clearly than you have lately. The work will also take some of […]
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Dream of Rejected By Husband
MEANING: Dream of rejected by husband suggests that you need to rethink your goals and the direction you want to take in life. Try to seduce him with your loquacity and people skills. You want to end things on your own terms. If he is a young child you will have to make an effort […]
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Dream of Remarriage With Husband
MEANING: Dream of remarriage with husband shows that you have something that needs to be expressed and get out in the open. Today you will strive to understand new technologies. You are running out of time to make a decision you should have made days or weeks ago. Too many times you demand too much […]
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Dream of Twin Husband
MEANING: Dream of twin husband suggests that do not take badly the criticism that can make your work and try to improve it as much as you can. You are cautious when it comes to expressing your emotions. Pay attention to family and domestic affairs. You will connect again through the internet with someone who […]
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