Dream of House Spinning

MEANING: Dream of house spinning expresses that you are transforming subconscious energy into conscious awareness. The more precautions you take, the better. Above all, if you start now, you will get very good results sooner than you think. You will not be too inspired to face today the obstacles that may appear. It will be […]
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Dream of Alligator In House

MEANING: Dream of alligator in house expresses that be careful, do not overdo it, and although you look with much energy try to take a break. Now you give value to what is true love, without conditions. Don’t overdo it with your mania for overthinking things. Getting angry about unimportant things is not in your […]
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Dream of Creepy House

MEANING: Dream of creepy house symbolises that you are going to claim your own space because you feel maybe a little bit apart. You make the plans, you like to do it and don’t think so much about whether you will be misjudged for it. You have learned valuable lessons and become emotionally stronger. Do […]
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Dream of House Used To Live In

MEANING: Dream of house used to live in indicates that a situation in your life will take a turn downward. You can look for a way out, but you need to look at reality from a positive angle. Family will throw you away a lot today and more if you don’t live with them or […]
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Dream of House Trailer

MEANING: Dream of house trailer expresses that you should reevaluate your social and professional standing. You have something important on your mind, but you may be holding back. This is something different from everything you’ve done so far. You are going back and forth on some choice. Perhaps there is a decision that you need […]
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Dream of Building New House

MEANING: Dream of building new house shows that make a choice between financial security and love. A time comes for renewal and new challenges. Clarity is essential for your life to flow as you deserve. You are not able to relax and breathe freely. You have set overly high and unrealistic goals for yourself. Dreaming […]
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Dream of House Warming

MEANING: Dream of house warming expresses that take your time in everything and don’t run or rush. For that reason you will awaken in some people the envy for what they want and will not have. There are illusions that are renewed or projects of life in common. Something in your life is out of […]
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Dream of Protecting House

MEANING: Dream of protecting house shows that you will relate perfectly to unknown people. The excess of protection you have been involved in has delayed this vision. You may give up a leisure outing with friends, but it will compensate you. You are feeling disconnected in some aspect of your life – work, relationship or […]
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Dream of House Leaking

MEANING: Dream of house leaking expresses that maybe you should back up in some aspect and respect their position, which is not so wrong. You will do better if you encourage teamwork than if you encourage individualism. You will have to take charge of a certain matter that concerns you. It would be convenient for […]
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