Dream of House Full Of Water

MEANING: Dream of house full of water suggests that though you wish and try again and again, each one goes his own way. Today the economic issues will be in the foreground. You are doing something against your own conscious. You are not aware of what some people are saying behind your back. If they […]
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Dream of House Furnished

MEANING: Dream of house furnished means that if you are already working you will continue to maintain your position. Certain fears from the past will reappear due to a somewhat restless sleep or nightmare. They will surprise you with an irresistible plan that you should not refuse. Being too dependent on someone can hurt you […]
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Dream of Setting House On Fire

MEANING: Dream of setting house on fire signifies that you are taking someone’s loyalty for granted. If you ever dreamed of dedicating yourself to something artistic, maybe it’s time to take up those dreams again. Dose your energies well, as you will need them. Your appreciation will be very enthusiastic and you will feel good. […]
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Dream of House Alarm

MEANING: Dream of house alarm indicates that no matter how much you have to do, you must not lose your composure or state of inner peace. Today you will listen carefully to someone who tells you words of wisdom or comfort. You will most likely have to get past certain negative comments and clarify the […]
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Dream of Lava In House

MEANING: Dream of lava in house suggests that you are on the verge of losing your temper and self-control. Your critical sense will be noticed throughout the day. Don’t neglect your appearance even if you are in an informal, relaxed environment or at home. There are people who expect a lot from you and do […]
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Dream of Forest House

MEANING: Dream of forest house means that you feel strongly the need to renew yourself both on a physical and a soul level. With a little patience and knocking on the right doors you will be able to solve it. Knowledge of your wishes will not be enough for you to fulfill them. You need […]
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Dream of Doctor In My House

MEANING: Dream of doctor in my house indicates that you feel strong and capable of achieving everything you set out to do. Today you will feel nostalgic and miss the people you have far away. You need to let go of some project, relationship, person, or idea. Don’t leave for the last minute a job […]
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Dream of House Song

MEANING: Dream of house song signifies that you are evaluating your role and how you are perceived by society. Your high ambitions will only be achieved through a great expenditure of energy. You will have to adjust the budget, as it is having a lot of expenses lately. Of course it will take mental effort […]
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Dream of Mold House

MEANING: Dream of mold house indicates that you are feeling the pressures of your emotional performance. A family conflict will color a day that will otherwise pass with normality. There is a domestic conflict or argument in your home. Someone will let you down surprisingly, and you will feel vulnerable and somewhat sad. If someone […]
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