Dream of Homework

MEANING: Dream of homework suggests that sometimes you can’t see what is going on, but you still sense it. You will receive an advertising message that could serve you. Make them see that everyone is affected by new conditions imposed from outside. You won’t last much longer without taking care of yourself. You have ended […]
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Dream of Having Homework

MEANING: Dream of having homework symbolises that you are going to take the initiative for a meeting or an encounter with someone you haven’t seen for a long time. You can call an old acquaintance that you will know about through social networks. Friendship today will be what works best in your life. You’ll find […]
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Dream of Unfinished Homework

MEANING: Dream of unfinished homework signifies that help for you is always around the corner. Act consciously, without letting yourself be contaminated by the impulses. Stay tuned to the messages you receive these days. Don’t overdo it with food and follow a little diet. You change certain attitudes to create a better environment around you, […]
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Dream of Doing Homework

MEANING: Dream of doing homework symbolises that some friendships that were not sincere with you will go away. You will now experience a sense of security and increased self-confidence. Your thoughts and ideas are preventing you from moving forward. It’s time to confess to someone you trust. Let the storm pass and use humor, even […]
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Dream of Getting Homework

MEANING: Dream of getting homework symbolises that walk some more and you will clear up and apply those advices that many times you give to those who are close. You will feel liberated and happy because you have a few days of vacation. You are letting negative emotions rule your actions and behavior. You need […]
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Dream of Forgetting Homework

MEANING: Dream of forgetting homework shows that you are not getting your point of view across. In love, amusements or hobbies you will get something that will satisfy you. Some of your insecurities can be solved with a simple walk at sea or in the mountains. Your feelings are being trivialized or that someone is […]
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