Dream of Holding Baby

MEANING: Dream of holding baby symbolises that you are feeling weighed down by a situation, problem, or relationship. Work is an important part of your life. Run your imagination and see what you can do. Today you will get to see a reality about a child or about your partner that you often refuse to […]
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Dream of Holding Breath Underwater

MEANING: Dream of holding breath underwater suggests that what you didn’t see so clearly yesterday, today begins to clear in your mind. You will find a way to regain your balance when someone or something takes away your peace. You are feeling trapped, confined and disoriented in some situation. Opportunities to be happy will not […]
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Dream of Holding Bird

MEANING: Dream of holding bird symbolises that the dark side of your personality sometimes plays tricks on you. In relation to the economy, it seems that today is a promising day, as long as you don’t spend too much. Your well-being requires a commitment to your health and that you get tested. You will be […]
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Dream of Holding Coins

MEANING: Dream of holding coins symbolises that optimism will be the predominant note of the day. Household issues will take priority over other issues. Send everything that has happened to you into oblivion. You are not interested, at least at this time, in people who lead very conventional lives. You must understand that everything takes […]
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Dream of Holding Cash

MEANING: Dream of holding cash suggests that you will also feel like making that person happy, because it will be very important for them. Avoid making value judgments and criticizing your co-workers. You need to take a different approach toward some situation or relationship. You will be involved, along with several people, in an issue […]
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Dream of Holding Diamonds

MEANING: Dream of holding diamonds symbolises that don’t be fooled by a supposedly advantageous business. Go deeper into the spiritual part of your life. You are experiencing fleeting pleasures and unsteady finances. That was taking too much of an emotional toll on you and you’d do well to stop it. A person you do not […]
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Dream of Holding Duck

MEANING: Dream of holding duck symbolises that pay no attention to those who do not know how to live life. It is good for you to start an inner journey that reveals some truths about yourself. Relationships with partners are improved and an understanding is reached. You are not expressing your true feelings even though […]
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Dream of Holding Fish

MEANING: Dream of holding fish signifies that you are still feeling sore and resentful about some situation or relationship. If you want to face all the problems you have, do it one after the other. You may have to travel for work purposes. You are too one-sided in your ways of thinking. You are too […]
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Dream of Holding Gun

MEANING: Dream of holding gun means that you will enjoy the confidence of others and this will help you improve your finances. A family or friendly encounter will cause you to suffer a major shock. Vacation or leisure plans will be discussed. Sometimes you are a bit messy because you have a tendency to chaos […]
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Dream of Holding Girl Baby

MEANING: Dream of holding girl baby expresses that today you will see that things are better at work than you imagined. Someone in your life is taking credit for your work. Complications arise at work due to a misunderstanding or difference of opinion. It will be a day to enjoy with friends in an atmosphere […]
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