Dream of A White Hippopotamus

MEANING: Dream of a white hippopotamus suggests that you may even be showing off a little bit. Life does not deserve to be taken as seriously as you sometimes do. Don’t let fantasy come into play, get your feet on the ground. You will need to clarify your feelings towards a person before proposing something. […]
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Dream of Petting A Hippopotamus

MEANING: Dream of petting a hippopotamus indicates that find out what your limiting belief is in order to transcend it. This weekend you will seek solitude and mental relaxation. If you have an important meeting, try to go relaxed, with time and clear ideas. Take advantage of those good vibrations to leave stress aside. You […]
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Dream of Hippopotamus Running

MEANING: Dream of hippopotamus running expresses that it is time to confront a specific person on an issue. The financial security you want so much will come when you learn to economize properly. Yours is a purely male fire sign. Things may look bleak or dark now, but things will look up. Everything around you […]
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Dream of Catching A Hippopotamus

MEANING: Dream of catching a hippopotamus signifies that you already have all the success you need to be happy, but it seems you always want more. Propose to bring your attention today to other things different from your business. You are seeking a fresh start and new beginning. Time to get your finances in order. […]
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Dream of Killing Hippopotamus

MEANING: Dream of killing hippopotamus signifies that you are looking for a some guidance and direction in confronting your emotions. You are doing away with your old ways and habits and starting anew. You will make some pending managements that you want to have finished before the holidays. Now it is coming and it will […]
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Dream of Hippopotamus

MEANING: Dream of hippopotamus signifies that you need to take time to enjoy the simple pleasures of your day. Someone will propose a profitable business. You are acknowledging a special occasion. You are letting minor things bother you. You will be short of money in the next few days, but you don’t have to make […]
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