Dream of Monkey In Hindi

MEANING: Dream of monkey in hindi suggests that you recover and obtain stability, durability and compatibility with your loved one. Don’t waste the weekend with absurd couple’s arguments. There is a situation where you are seeking acceptance and wanting to be a part of. Avoid shutting things up or your partner won’t know what’s on […]
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Dream of Pumpkin In Hindi

MEANING: Dream of pumpkin in hindi symbolises that you need to be more assertive and learn to say no to others. Perhaps they demand too much of you because of circumstances beyond your control, but which you must assume. Friendship is one of your most important values, but sometimes you don’t give it the importance […]
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Dream of Curd In Hindi

MEANING: Dream of curd in hindi symbolises that if you feel you are not making ends meet, you will have to make changes in your daily life. In love don’t try to force situations. Your personal life will be greatly enriched in the coming year. It can be very fun and intense because you will […]
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Dream of Banana Tree In Hindi

MEANING: Dream of banana tree in hindi signifies that you solve a pending money issue that was giving you a little headache. Somebody is offering you reassurance that you are headed on the right track. You have difficulties in expressing your fears, anger, or love. You need to acknowledge the beauty within yourself. You may […]
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Dream of Sweets In Hindi

MEANING: Dream of sweets in hindi shows that your body is beginning to renew itself, although you should take more care of yourself and consider healthier changes. You will look for hidden pleasures in unsuspected places because you need novelties that make you vibrate. Develop new strategies for success by committing to new plans and […]
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Dream of Mouse In Hindi

MEANING: Dream of mouse in hindi signifies that they will make you a professional or business proposal. Getting out of your comfort zone requires effort, but it will certainly be worth it. You have to relax and feel peace in your heart in order to continue with your life in the best way. What you […]
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Dream of Marriage In Hindi

MEANING: Dream of marriage in hindi symbolises that be very careful before committing yourself in any legal matter. It’s been a while since you’ve enjoyed your family, so make time to be with them today. Getting out of there is expensive and painful, but it will be worth it. Try to harmonize all that in […]
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Dream of Rat In Hindi

MEANING: Dream of rat in hindi means that a moment both expected and feared is approaching. If you are bored by the everyday, maybe you are putting little imagination into your leisure time. Sometimes you are too cold and react badly when your partner tries to show his affection. You are goals are superficial and […]
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Dream of Ox In Hindi

MEANING: Dream of ox in hindi means that you need to be more assertive and forceful. You’ll want quiet plans like dinner with friends or a movie. Connect with your inner voice, for in you are all the answers. Something in your past is having an impact in your current situation. You need to exercise […]
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