Dream of Elephant In Hindi

MEANING: Dream of elephant in hindi signifies that you are stuck in a rut and need to make some changes of where your life is headed. Do not fear that she will rebuke you, for she will not, far from it. One appointment will change your perspective of the week. Oxygen will give you a […]
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Dream of Turtle In Hindi

MEANING: Dream of turtle in hindi indicates that drowning in a glass of water is not something you should let happen to you today. Money matters will take away your sleep and worry you greatly. It’s a good day to dream and get away from the mainland. After these days of relaxation, you will be […]
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Dream of Potty Hindi

MEANING: Dream of potty hindi symbolises that you need to start accepting the consequences of your actions. This will be a good day to start a new project. Limiting yourself only to your circle of friends is a mistake. Don’t waste is your unfinished business. Sometimes you get a little strong character and you can’t […]
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Dream of Coconut In Hindi

MEANING: Dream of coconut in hindi expresses that take advantage of this opportunity to face those things that sometimes are difficult for you to talk about clearly. Something in your life may not appear as it seems. You will look for new incentives and challenges that will keep you active, just what you need. You […]
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Dream of Water In Hindi

MEANING: Dream of water in hindi means that you need to take time and care in shaping and molding a relationship. You may be facing an extraordinary expense. You can be both strong and delicate at the same time. You will wake up from a long sleep in which you were trapped and your life […]
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Dream of Snake Bite In Hindi

MEANING: Dream of snake bite in hindi means that you will feel great when you have all your space in order and enjoy the leisure. A medical check-up would be desirable. In a casual encounter that will take place today you will feel somewhat lost and disoriented. Physically you won’t have much energy today. An […]
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Dream of Lice In Hindi

MEANING: Dream of lice in hindi suggests that the more you pay attention to money matters today, the better your economy will be. The experiences that you can live with this new philosophy, will open valuable mental spaces for you. Listen to your intuition and make the biggest bet of your life. Something you have […]
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Dream of Earthquake In Hindi

MEANING: Dream of earthquake in hindi signifies that you feel that your opinions, viewpoints or decisions are being unaccepted or being ignored. You need to be less arrogant and assertive in your situations. New, more fruitful friendships are about to be born, but you must open yourself up to them. In your partner, you will […]
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Dream of Rice In Hindi

MEANING: Dream of rice in hindi indicates that not everyone can be as perfect as you pretend to be. Not everything will go well today in the workplace. The time has come to put your financial plans into action. You tend to go along with what others are doing or saying. You’ll regret it later, […]
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