Dream of Washing Someone Else’s Hands

MEANING: Dream of washing someone else’s hands shows that you will have to show your good communication skills to solve a family argument. They will surprise you with something that you didn’t expect at all and that will make you very happy. You are going out of your way to please others. You need to […]
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Dream of A Bird Pecking My Hand

MEANING: Dream of a bird pecking my hand means that a door you had assumed closed might be about to open. Breaking the routine can help you see reality more vividly, even if it costs you. The way you relate to your partner can improve, but you have to do your part. You can achieve […]
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Dream of Rotten Hand

MEANING: Dream of rotten hand signifies that you recently had a very tense discussion with your partner or a friend and you can’t stop thinking about it. Walk in the direction of your desires and embrace the feeling that you are on the path. Older family members are going to need a little help from […]
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Dream of Golden Hand

MEANING: Dream of golden hand symbolises that you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed at work. A situation or relationship in your life that was once lively, is now non-existent. Don’t spend money that doesn’t belong to you because it will be claimed sooner or later. There is an unexpected setback in your plans or goals. […]
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Dream of Raccoon On Hands

MEANING: Dream of raccoon on hands suggests that he’s stealing your positive energy without you realizing it, because he interferes in your affairs. Today you will file roughness and manage to stabilize and strengthen your relationship. Everything that has to do with children is well presented. If you still have someone you think it would […]
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Dream of Cold Hands

MEANING: Dream of cold hands signifies that if you show understanding, even if you think it is wrong, you will turn the situation around. Pay attention and care in everything you have to do. You may be wrong in your assessment of someone you think is reliable and not so reliable. If you have a […]
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Dream of Rat Bite On Hand

MEANING: Dream of rat bite on hand signifies that you cannot take back what has already been done. You are feeling overwhelmed or stressed at work. Someone proposes something you don’t know whether to accept. Someone coming from a friend asks you a favor in which he claims your hospitality. You are feeling defensive about […]
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Dream of Getting Henna On Hands

MEANING: Dream of getting henna on hands signifies that they will bring you a new vision of the world around you and will expand your horizons. The in-laws will want to get involved in your affairs and you must not allow that. Perhaps you need some motivation to get things moving. You are unaware of […]
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