Dream of Seeds In Hair

MEANING: Dream of seeds in hair expresses that someone around you has their own hidden agenda. You will find them, but it will surely be at the end of the day. A family problem may arise that you will have to solve as soon as possible. Don’t confuse the gestures of someone you are attracted […]
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Dream of False Hair

MEANING: Dream of false hair indicates that you will be upset by the way a family member approaches a certain situation. Your performance is being scrutinized and questioned. You are going with the flow of things without any objection or resistance. You need to take other people’s point of view into consideration. You will bring […]
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Dream of Getting Hair Burned

MEANING: Dream of getting hair burned expresses that an excess of optimism can make you act impulsively. Get involved in social activities and participate actively in all those proposed. You must not enter them, because it is a game that can be dangerous. Perhaps you are still trying to understand someone. You are experiencing concerns […]
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Dream of Dying Hair Rainbow

MEANING: Dream of dying hair rainbow expresses that although you tend to be flexible, today you will have a hard time adapting to the needs of others. It is the beginning of the path that you are taking in life. Don’t be so black and white about everything. Use your energies today properly, without exceeding […]
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Dream of Having Thin Hair

MEANING: Dream of having thin hair means that you are refusing to see the facts of a situation or are in denial about something. You are too concerned about things that are not so important. You need to take other people’s point of view into consideration. Perhaps you are not sure how to end a […]
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Dream of Colorful Hair

MEANING: Dream of colorful hair signifies that you will need to use your best weapons, all your intelligence and your most intuitive side in love. You should not be worried about the future, because there are positive influences that help you to improve your work. One of them may call you for help in a […]
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