Dream of Cute Guy

MEANING: Dream of cute guy shows that at work you will be overwhelmed by the impetus you have to do things right the first time. You’ll have a great time with friends and won’t have to worry about anything except having fun. They return to you those desires to do things, to vary, to think […]
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Dream of Hugging A Guy Friend

MEANING: Dream of hugging a guy friend symbolises that you will enjoy it very much without thinking about anything else. It is not good to keep your feelings to yourself. Someone is offering you encouragement and motivation. Time to focus on the present and not look back. You are experiencing new-found freedom and gaining a […]
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Dream of Guy

MEANING: Dream of guy symbolises that everything that had to happen or happen happened in one way or another. If it has a solution, don’t worry, and if it doesn’t, find a way to minimize its consequences. In recent times life has been somewhat difficult for you. Today you will learn how to better combine […]
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Dream of Guy Flirting With Me

MEANING: Dream of guy flirting with me shows that get away from the bad energies that some people transmit and focus on what you want to achieve. In this state of peace you are productive and effective, but sometimes it is impossible to maintain it. You are doubting your accomplishments and the goals that you […]
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Dream of Guy Proposing

MEANING: Dream of guy proposing shows that sometimes you don’t value your time very much and you waste it with people who don’t make you really happy. You are becoming less civilized, less restrained and becoming more free and instinctive. Take it easy and organize your home or family as well. Sometimes you lack a […]
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Dream of Tall Guy

MEANING: Dream of tall guy symbolises that you are still feeling sore and resentful about some situation or relationship. You will recover from the problems you may have suffered last week without any aftermath. You will start by rectifying attitudes that have always been a hard problem in your relationship. Run away from situations that […]
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Dream of Shooting Bad Guys

MEANING: Dream of shooting bad guys shows that you are feeling insecure about a relationship or situation. Don’t despair, because some dreams you can reach with your fingers. Everything related to the physical, to your image, will worry you a lot today. He needs you, so, no matter how busy you are, it would be […]
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Dream of Two Guys Fighting Over Me

MEANING: Dream of two guys fighting over me indicates that you must find a balance between mind and body. You have overstep your boundaries and into another’s rights. Life is wonderful, but you must realize it every day. A job or social work you recently started is not working out as you planned. Last minute […]
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Dream of A White Guy

MEANING: Dream of a white guy shows that you will work very hard for that which you consider of value to you. Today you will find a graceful way out of a work issue that had you worried. You have many virtues and the time has come to make more of them. Do it in […]
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Dream of A Guy Friend

MEANING: Dream of a guy friend suggests that she may not have a very good day on the inside. It is true that many times you have a dual personality. Not at all you contemplate the summer as a stage of rest and relaxation. You are opening up your emotions to others. If there is […]
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