Dream of Eating Ripe Guava

MEANING: Dream of eating ripe guava signifies that you are trying to be someone you are not. Don’t let your feelings drag you into seeing things with little objectivity today. Someone close to you is unable to keep a secret. Start the day with a smile on your lips and a good attitude in your […]
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Dream of Tree Guava

MEANING: Dream of tree guava symbolises that one of your biggest dreams comes true. You sense the danger of a harmful situation for a friend or family member. You don’t have to say yes when you want to say no. You need to accept yourself along with your imperfections. Persistence will pay off in the […]
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Dream of Guava Tree

MEANING: Dream of guava tree suggests that however, you must not neglect a good diet, nor give up your daily exercise. Perhaps you are feeling ambiguous or insecure about your own identity. Something comes out of your life so that something new comes and a new rebirth arises. You’ll feel very energetic and humorous and […]
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Dream of Eating Guava Fruit

MEANING: Dream of eating guava fruit suggests that being diplomatic will help you much more than you think and will also avoid problems with your partner. You are looking for a sense of belonging and familyhood. Perhaps you are being taken advantage of. You need to learn that you cannot be everything to everybody. It […]
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Dream of Picking Guava

MEANING: Dream of picking guava shows that if your partner is going through a somewhat negative stage, give him/her a lot of love and understanding. You will now come out of phobias, panics, fears, unhealthy dependencies and harmful attachments. Speak all you have to speak and then move on to something else. You have relapsed […]
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