Dream of Growing Dreadlocks

MEANING: Dream of growing dreadlocks expresses that don’t try to impose your ideas because you will only create more enmities. You must let things flow and not seek discussion, it is not a day to set things straight. You need to find some balance and inner harmony. You are making a conscious and objective observation […]
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Dream of Growing Gum

MEANING: Dream of growing gum symbolises that you receive good news related to the professional situation of your partner or a close friend. It will be with deeds, not words, and that is why you must be attentive to what that person does. Then you will understand how important today was. You start a favorable […]
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Dream of Growing Flies

MEANING: Dream of growing flies signifies that there is one issue you are overlooking that could soon harm your emotional health. You will give more of yourself without expecting compensation. You will need a loan for an interesting project, but you won’t know who to ask. Your expressions, your way of acting and moving will […]
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Dream of Growing Limbs

MEANING: Dream of growing limbs expresses that it wouldn’t hurt you to take a nice walk alone or in the company of a trusted friend. If an old discomfort recurs, see a doctor. At last you are going through a stage of joy and inner peace. Take good note of everything you see because it […]
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Dream of Growing Serpent

MEANING: Dream of growing serpent shows that it will be someone who is not spectacularly beautiful, but attractive. Perhaps you need to practice meditation. Your love relationships will have a point of exaltation that will vivify and renew you inside. Mistakes are nothing but learning opportunities. That will open your heart to hope and reconcile […]
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Dream of Growing Roots

MEANING: Dream of growing roots expresses that you are imposing your ideas and opinions on others. You will show your skills as a good host, do not doubt it. At work you’ll get all the looks because you’ll solve with last minute setbacks. A person from your closest environment will try to advise you on […]
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Dream of Growing Trees

MEANING: Dream of growing trees suggests that you are more hurt than you should be with someone very close to you. Reflect on whether you are acting in the right way in the face of a family misfortune. Some commitments to family or friends will shake up your budget. You are feeling victimized or powerless. […]
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Dream of Growing Python

MEANING: Dream of growing python symbolises that you don’t have to worry as much about the health of a family member over whom you have no control. You are not in a relationship for the long term. There is something that you need to take-ou or take-away from your life. Beware of the pressure you […]
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Dream of Roots Growing

MEANING: Dream of roots growing signifies that you need to be more realistic with your goals. You should not impose your presence on someone who does not want to see you. Continue to transform your life and this will bring about a great spiritual transformation as well. In the least expected place you will find […]
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