Dream of Green Feces

MEANING: Dream of green feces symbolises that you need to take a leadership role and show that you are in control of the situation. You need a change of scenery in your life. You are being influenced by negative people and are hanging around the wrong crowd. You are experiencing major setbacks in your goals. […]
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Dream of Green Food

MEANING: Dream of green food expresses that you have to put in a scale what you want to get and how to get it. It is a moment of understanding and good communication. The important thing is that you let yourself be carried away by the passion and game of love. You may be holding […]
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Dream of Green Lettuce

MEANING: Dream of green lettuce expresses that today you will leave the routine in which you usually fall in the days of rest. Have the courage to be yourself even if some don’t like it. You are afraid of the new responsibilities ahead for you. The success you desire will only come if you put […]
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Dream of Green Lava

MEANING: Dream of green lava shows that some situation or someone has been draining you of your energy and resources. You are just going through the motions of daily living. You must start taking care of yourself and looking after your health even more than you are doing. You may be missing out on someone […]
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Dream of Green Mask

MEANING: Dream of green mask expresses that if you don’t get to everything on your own, consider getting some help that will make you feel better. Health, money and love are now greatly increased. Today you will feel the imperative need that in your life there is a before and after. Your best weapons will […]
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Dream of Green Lion

MEANING: Dream of green lion indicates that take advantage of all that strength to keep walking towards where you want. You have the ability to do so within yourself, but you must strive to find it. You are lacking originality and control over where your life is taking. Someone will come to you to solve […]
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Dream of Green Monster

MEANING: Dream of green monster means that you won’t even know very well where it comes from or what the cause is, but that shouldn’t matter. It will be a day in which you will feel full and creative. Organize a getaway with your partner or a group of friends. Now that your body is […]
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Dream of Green Motorcycle

MEANING: Dream of green motorcycle shows that consult with experts, not with strange gurus who only want to increase your checking account. You will value new ways of personal growth, of expanding in some way and of advancing. You are altering the course of your life. A trip will give you the opportunity to know […]
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