Dream of Getting Good Grades

MEANING: Dream of getting good grades means that you need to be more expressive about your feelings. There is something that does not let you move forward with peace of mind, and you must discover what it is. You will reach very interesting conclusions that improve your present. Peace reigns again in your life today. […]
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Dream of Getting Grades

MEANING: Dream of getting grades means that today don’t shut up about anything, don’t continue to be a victim of anyone. You will have a really good time on a day when you will also commit some excesses. You are spending too many hours at work and too little time with family and friends. You […]
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Dream of Good Grades

MEANING: Dream of good grades indicates that you will experience a rebirth of your being. Business and work relations will be intensified. There will hardly be any conflicts with anyone around you and everything will go smoothly. You will have to give in a little if you want to recover your calm in this sense. […]
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Dream of Grade School

MEANING: Dream of grade school suggests that especially if you don’t have a partner, several people will be interested and will approach. You will think and decide now more quickly. You must show consistency between your actions and your words. Many will be considered your friends but few will be chosen by you. You feel […]
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Dream of Light Grade 11 Book

MEANING: Dream of light grade 11 book shows that things are going well for you lately, after much work and effort. Sometimes you find it hard to express your emotions and that causes others to have the wrong image of you. You are an independent person and often claim your space. It is convenient that […]
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Dream of Bad Grades

MEANING: Dream of bad grades expresses that you should not miss an opportunity that will present itself today in the economic field. Perhaps you have developed feelings for your friend and are wondering how he or she feels. Take advantage of the day to organize everything that is now part of your life. Give yourself […]
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Dream of Grades

MEANING: Dream of grades symbolises that a person who has discovered you will intervene in your future very positively. You’ll be in a bad mood and you might turn some of your anger on those who are not to blame. You are able to easily convey your feelings, beliefs or ideas to others. Try to […]
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Dream of Exam Grade

MEANING: Dream of exam grade shows that you are moving toward a questionable or risky direction in your life. You will feel full and happy while committed to your present. Today you won’t feel like going out or having big parties. You have a desire to retreat from the stresses of the real world. Bachelors […]
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Dream of Getting Bad Grades

MEANING: Dream of getting bad grades expresses that you are expressing a desire to start new some place else. It wouldn’t hurt you to take a nice walk alone or in the company of a trusted friend. There is someone who may be somewhat envious of your position. You are trying to establish your identity […]
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