Dream of Buying Gold Bangles

MEANING: Dream of buying gold bangles symbolises that don’t be afraid of failure and let your ideas flourish. Imitating others is not the best way to focus and achieve your virtues. Think hard about whether that flirting is worthwhile. You and your partner are slowly drifting apart and you don’t know what to do to […]
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Dream of Gold Car

MEANING: Dream of gold car shows that your friends will cooperate in everything you need now that the year is in its final stretch. Be smart and don’t feel bad about looking out for your own interests. We must be realistic and accept that the current economic situation is what it is. Your health will […]
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Dream of Gold Curtains

MEANING: Dream of gold curtains shows that a person from your closest environment will try to advise you on something related to your life. Sometimes misunderstandings occur and this is one of them. Your hard work will result in little or no gain. You will realize the importance a person has in your life. The […]
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Dream of Throwing Gold

MEANING: Dream of throwing gold expresses that your partner, if you have one, will be very grateful. An obstacle or an enemy that was holding you back disappears. Money matters are something you will take with some peace of mind today. Thanks to your intuition, you may be able to guide others in matters of […]
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Dream of Gold Chain

MEANING: Dream of gold chain signifies that make your health your top priority, but don’t make it an obsession. Leave behind the worries that take away your vitality and energy. You will have to face certain backward tasks not because they are tedious and boring any less necessary. Look for the middle point in your […]
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Dream of Gold Digging

MEANING: Dream of gold digging suggests that it will be someone you know from the past, but whom you had long ago lost track of. The world of the spiritual or the occult is empowered and you will be filled with power and energy. You are lacking conviction in what you are saying. One of […]
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Dream of Gold Objects

MEANING: Dream of gold objects signifies that money will come into your life more easily than it has so far. Family peace will reign again after a few days of hustle and bustle and many discussions. An aspect of your life that was of great concern to you will be relocated, as if by magic. […]
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