Dream of Flying Over Graveyard

MEANING: Dream of flying over graveyard means that you need to be more decisive and forge forward with your plans. You are prolonging a decision that needs to be made. You must loosen the level of self-demanding a little and allow yourself to make mistakes as a human being. Apparently, there will be very few […]
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Dream of Flying Moon

MEANING: Dream of flying moon indicates that you should not spend all day thinking about the same thing, because there are things that are beyond your reach. You underestimate your professional potential thinking that others are more qualified than you. Enjoy that solidarity and good vibrations. Your desire to have a partner sometimes causes you […]
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Dream of Flying Pororo

MEANING: Dream of flying pororo symbolises that you are lacking power or authority, especially when confronted by others. Some inconvenience or tension with neighbors or landlords will keep you on edge today. If the occasion arises, try gambling, even if it is not usual for you. Trust your instinct and go for that business that […]
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Dream of Flying To Escape

MEANING: Dream of flying to escape symbolises that a friend will tell you something that will surprise you at first, but then you will find a meaning. You need to make some new changes to your habit or lifestyle. You need to incorporate a quality that one of your friend has into yourself. Perhaps your […]
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Dream of Flying Ticks

MEANING: Dream of flying ticks means that you are ignoring someone or being ignored. You need to be self-sufficient and stand on your own two feet. You do not find it easy to maintain harmonious relationships. Burning toxins is good for you and dieting even better. Look for any activity that will take some of […]
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Dream of Flying Train

MEANING: Dream of flying train shows that the new will be a little scary, but it will certainly be worth it. Your achievements will soon be recognized. Even if you think you’re right, it’s best not to speak out. A so-called friend will let you down badly and you will have a hard time. You […]
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Dream of Levitating And Flying

MEANING: Dream of levitating and flying symbolises that you are cautious about what you share with others. Spend the day simply having fun. Don’t let a call from someone you’re attracted to throw you off balance and keep you from focusing on work. Expect surprises in today’s family environment. You will find a special pleasure […]
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Dream of Flying Mat

MEANING: Dream of flying mat symbolises that you could screw up at work with an unfortunate comment. You may be feeling weak, vulnerable and out of control in your life. Integrate spiritual beliefs into your daily life. Watch out for impulses of all kinds today, which can be harmful. Try to be more suspicious as […]
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Dream of Flying Sharks

MEANING: Dream of flying sharks shows that not everything important is in social networks and that is something you have to be careful with today. It will be a day full of ups and downs, and you will feel both sad and happy. You will feel very renewed intellectually and you will shine a lot. […]
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Dream of Flying Seal

MEANING: Dream of flying seal suggests that you are holding back your negative feelings and need to let it out. If a peer tries to blame you for something you haven’t done, set firm limits. Give priority to the most urgent and relegate to second place those tasks that are dispensable. Not everything can be […]
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