Dream of Parrots Flying

MEANING: Dream of parrots flying signifies that you have some growing up to do and need to plan for the future. Think that maybe it is time to think about certain things and say them out loud. Those of your sign waste vitality, but you have a little egocentric. You need to just accept the […]
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Dream of Ocean Flying

MEANING: Dream of ocean flying signifies that you should strive to reduce your expenses as much as possible. Very interesting plans are coming up with some friend who is really on your same wavelength. These days you should focus on field work and not be cooped up in the office all day. The couple’s financial […]
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Dream of Fruit Flies

MEANING: Dream of fruit flies symbolises that perhaps you need to let go of a bad relationship. A family conflict will be reborn in an unpredictable way without anything you can do to avoid it. You will celebrate in a big way, with a person you love, an important achievement for her. You are placed […]
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Dream of Butterflies Flying

MEANING: Dream of butterflies flying indicates that you need to take it slow in some situation or relationship in your life. If there is any matter that concerns you, you will have to take the bull by the horns and solve it. You are not expressing yourself in an effective way. Forgive yourself for your […]
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Dream of A Flying Crane

MEANING: Dream of a flying crane symbolises that something extraordinary is about to happen. Stop complaining and take charge of your life. The children, if you have them, will share the afternoon with you in a very special way. You will wake up from a deep sleep feeling restless and you won’t even know why. […]
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Dream of A Flying Cricket

MEANING: Dream of a flying cricket shows that various social and recreational activities and work meetings will take up all your time. Everything will come at the right time. Be careful to confuse the essential with the superficial. It’s time for you to take risks and decide to do new things. Someone will want to […]
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Dream of A Flying Giraffe

MEANING: Dream of a flying giraffe shows that you must put aside a certain issue that concerns you. You will share with a good friend some confidence you kept to yourself. You will now feel in control of your emotions. Today will be tinged with some situations that you could not foresee and that could […]
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