Dream of Crane Fly

MEANING: Dream of crane fly expresses that don’t be surprised if today you have a verbal clash with a friend who thinks radically different from you. You are trying to distance yourself from a situation. You will face with sportiness a small incident that will happen during the day. Put aside your selfishness and think […]
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Dream of Turtle Flying

MEANING: Dream of turtle flying means that anxiety will take hold of you at times and you will not know why. You need to make major lifestyle changes and now is the best time to do so. A recovery period is coming, you just have to be very patient. You will like to see yourself […]
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Dream of Flying War

MEANING: Dream of flying war expresses that ask your true friends for help and, above all, stay calm. You will complain a lot and do nothing to change what does not satisfy you. You may be repressing some of your feelings or parts of yourself. Search what’s behind every mask people wear. It can be […]
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Dream of Flying With Angels

MEANING: Dream of flying with angels shows that you will find a quiet corner to be at your disposal and chat with someone you like very much. You finish the day in an excellent way both on the physical and mental level. Rest will be vital to not lose your good health. Someone in your […]
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Dream of Flying Crocodile

MEANING: Dream of flying crocodile indicates that don’t overspend or overcommit yourself. They will try to trick you, but you will not succeed if you keep a high alert attitude today. You are assessing your financial situation. Today you will find a person with whom you will have a very valuable professional tune. Search within […]
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Dream of Flying Crash

MEANING: Dream of flying crash signifies that let them breathe and don’t start marking obligations in advance. You will have a lot of success, but you must keep betting on an idea that very few people around you see. If you are on vacation, take a deep breath and enjoy everything around you. An unappealing […]
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Dream of Flying Carpet

MEANING: Dream of flying carpet shows that you may have been dishonest or manipulative. Negative and recurring thoughts will assault your mind again and you will not know how to control them. If you have a partner, there will be some days when passion and love will be very present. They won’t be exactly as […]
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Dream of Turkey Flying

MEANING: Dream of turkey flying expresses that conditions will never be as expected. Today you will remember, in some way, a person who has been part of your life in the last few months. Open all your senses to new beginnings. Today there will be a somewhat tense situation within the family. Sometimes you have […]
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Dream of Flying Bag

MEANING: Dream of flying bag symbolises that you leave behind the laborious steps and look again with optimism, although moderate. Clears up doubts by convincing your loved ones that what you are doing is done out of love. Today you will take with much patience a scolding that someone is going to throw at you. […]
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Dream of Bee Flying Into My Ear

MEANING: Dream of bee flying into my ear suggests that be more compromised if you don’t want daily fights. Your body is intelligent in itself, even if you often ignore it. Don’t give a bad image with this tendency of yours that sometimes becomes a little obsessive. You get things done today that you like […]
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