Dream of Fish Walking On Land

MEANING: Dream of fish walking on land means that art, beauty, culture and contact with foreigners will bring you luck and a new vision of life. It is a good time to make plans for the future and start shaping them. If you are already working you will continue to maintain your position. You may […]
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Dream of Fish Running

MEANING: Dream of fish running means that you will overcome some shyness to contact a relevant person for your professional future. Do something that gives you the feeling that you are being pampered and that you don’t need anyone to do it for you. You will feel overwhelmed and more nervous than usual and will […]
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Dream of Rescuing Fish

MEANING: Dream of rescuing fish symbolises that you can even seem distant and cold at times. You feel that others are judging you and your actions. Today you will put into practice your knowledge in economic matters and bet on a winning horse. You will openly express your feelings and will not care what they […]
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Dream of Roasting Fish

MEANING: Dream of roasting fish indicates that for some time you have been liking a person who is not yet aware of your feelings. Bring out your kinder, friendlier side and get going. If you give it a little imagination you will spend a very pleasant day. Review some of your last performances and analyze […]
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Dream of Baby Fish

MEANING: Dream of baby fish symbolises that your home, personal life and family come to the fore now. That’s why your partner needs you to try a little harder. Don’t let laziness overcome you and conclude something that you started yesterday and that is getting complicated. You will mess up at work and need to […]
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Dream of Eating Fresh Fish

MEANING: Dream of eating fresh fish shows that his word will have great power and can influence the beliefs of many who hear it. You wish to fall in love again, but at the same time you don’t allow yourself to be completely open to love. You are testing the limits or boundaries. Just make […]
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Dream of Fish Tank

MEANING: Dream of fish tank suggests that a new opportunity in work will arise unexpectedly. The truth will be the perfect ingredient for trust to grow in your relationships. You have found your own independence and are learning to stand on your own. Today you will be empathetic and that will make someone important like […]
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Dream of Fish Swimming

MEANING: Dream of fish swimming expresses that you are confused about what you feel and your emotions are on the surface. Take advantage of this very beneficial influence on the emotional and relationship, if you have. You are a point where you are comfortable in acknowledging your vulnerabilities and feelings. If you trust someone, trust […]
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Dream of Eating Fish Eggs

MEANING: Dream of eating fish eggs indicates that be careful to think that you are infallible and that you are always right because there is nothing more human than to make a mistake. Try to look at the half-full bottle on what surrounds you. Deep down you will want to escape from a situation where […]
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