Dream of A Female Cyclops

MEANING: Dream of a female cyclops signifies that you enter a much more favorable stage in health and everything related to the physical. You could do something to stop feeling lonely, as it happens to you lately. Don’t let an unimportant issue become a world. You should not miss an opportunity that will present itself […]
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Dream of A Female Peacock

MEANING: Dream of a female peacock shows that good time management is one of your weaknesses. Dedicate at least a few moments in the day to yourself. Your dreams will come true today. New opportunities always arise, but sometimes you lose your confidence. You have too many expenses lately and are starting to worry about […]
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Dream of Female Dress

MEANING: Dream of female dress signifies that you will feel the need to change something related to work and today you will dedicate yourself to think about it. You are taking everything too personally. Some negative thoughts will suddenly assail you, finding you unprepared. This is not the time to get involved with them in […]
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Dream of Female Cardinal

MEANING: Dream of female cardinal expresses that also yours are going to value that which they know benefits them and gives them comfort. You will smile and enjoy those romantic moments or leisure time that will bring you stability. You are dwelling too much in the past and need to move on toward the future. […]
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Dream of Female Friend Pregnant

MEANING: Dream of female friend pregnant shows that protecting yourself is okay, but not to the point where you don’t seem to care about that person. It will be a good day in general, although some things could happen that will change your mood. Use what you have discovered well, and make all your movements […]
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Dream of Female Organ

MEANING: Dream of female organ signifies that you will do well if you finish the week with that thorough work that requires all your attention. Today living with your partner will be especially difficult. Take care so that stress does not take a toll on your health and leave you exhausted and in a bad […]
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Dream of Female Warrior

MEANING: Dream of female warrior shows that luck smiles on you and new opportunities to progress and increase your income are presented to you. At work you enjoy a stability that allows you certain licenses. You are being too strict at work and it does not suit you. First of all, ask him his plans […]
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Dream of Female Angel

MEANING: Dream of female angel expresses that certain not entirely well-intentioned comments will reach your ears. If you want to have more money for things that really matter to you, you will have to avoid misspending. You will speak loud and clear, and make yourself understood. You will show your wit and sharpness to solve […]
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Dream of Females

MEANING: Dream of females symbolises that it is not convenient that they leave aside the amusements and leisure. You are in denial about a situation or problem. Your financial concerns, some days, are increasing. You are being let down or being undermined. You are not being clear in how your express yourself. The dream about […]
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Dream of A Female Lioness

MEANING: Dream of a female lioness indicates that today it is time to give in and negotiate in all aspects. Take courage and make an important decision in your love life. Your body is wiser and more powerful than you think and is sending you signals. A person close to you can help you a […]
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