Dream of Feces Money

MEANING: Dream of feces money signifies that you control the situation easily because you know what to say at the right time. Today you will again feel bad about a person’s betrayal. They will consult you a loving care, try not to judge and you will give good advice. A golden opportunity to change homes […]
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Dream of Toilet With Feces

MEANING: Dream of toilet with feces expresses that whenever you fall, you get up again and your ability to regenerate is almost magical. You have to value yourself, put a high price on yourself, respect yourself, recover your dignity and self-esteem. Be as generous and loving as you can, otherwise you will not find peace. […]
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Dream of Lots Of Feces

MEANING: Dream of lots of feces indicates that strength of spirit and determination will now be the keys to success. You need to acknowledge your inner child. You will have to cooperate with someone you don’t like very much, probably at work. Don’t waste your energy with a matter that has already been closed. You […]
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Dream of Flushing Feces

MEANING: Dream of flushing feces means that think that you have your advantages in practical matters and that deep down you don’t care so much anymore. You are undergoing a difficult and tumultuous time. You have creativity and potential to carry it out, even though you find an obstacle. You will find it a little […]
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Dream of Baby Covered In Feces

MEANING: Dream of baby covered in feces symbolises that you need to treat others as you would like to be treated. You are feeling overwhelmed by emotions. There will be much hustle and bustle, movement, travel, and some burden of getting everywhere. Relativize everything that happens and don’t give it more importance than it has. […]
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Dream of Old Feces

MEANING: Dream of old feces suggests that you have difficulties expressing your feelings. You are closing yourself off and isolating yourself from others. Take advantage of the day to organize everything that is now part of your life. You will have a brush with a co-worker for some behavior that you will not like at […]
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Dream of Feces On Hands

MEANING: Dream of feces on hands signifies that perhaps you need to be prepared to put up a fight in some area of your life. You are trying to escape and blend in with the rest of the crowd. You will suffer some kind of delay or inconvenience with the technology or with machines of […]
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Dream of Smelling Feces

MEANING: Dream of smelling feces means that you are helping a person a lot and that is very good, but you must not forget yourself. You must not let yourself be carried away by anything or anyone, much less be manipulated. Things will get a little complicated at work and you will have to give […]
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Dream of Feces In Sink

MEANING: Dream of feces in sink shows that you will have to stay centered at least for a while in the morning. You will be left in charge of a project that will demand your full attention. Now you will be well informed about diet and exercise. If there is something that still bothers you […]
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