Dream of Seafood Feast

MEANING: Dream of seafood feast shows that there will be much work, many things to do and much to think about today. You will make an error that you can easily correct if you decide to rectify. You need to be supportive to those around you. You are isolating yourself and holding back your emotions. […]
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Dream of Wedding Feast

MEANING: Dream of wedding feast shows that take this opportunity to gather information on an issue of concern to you. You should concentrate on one point and solve it. You need some coaxing in order to discuss some issue. Don’t think twice and jump in, but with safety net. If someone doesn’t let you be […]
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Dream of Big Feast

MEANING: Dream of big feast expresses that stand firm in your purposes and principles. You are inclined to everything that gives you peace, beauty and harmony. If you still doubted the professional direction to follow, you will finally realize your true vocation. Today you will realize that all this is worthless if you do not […]
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Dream of Preparing For A Feast

MEANING: Dream of preparing for a feast signifies that it’s okay, but make him understand in his right measure. Do not take any drastic action today in business or at work. You feel trapped and do not know what to do or where to go. Put your special touch to everything, both the decoration and […]
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Dream of Feast

MEANING: Dream of feast indicates that sometimes you are too negative and then you see that it wasn’t that bad. Optimism will be the predominant note of the day. No doubt it will be hard for you to be sincere, but it will be the best you can do. Try to be more communicative with […]
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Dream of Family Feast

MEANING: Dream of family feast suggests that you feel that the livelihood of the relationship depends on you. Some things are not working in your life, but you should not be pessimistic. Your health will be today in a high and strong point, as well as your morale. You will look for that opportunity and […]
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Dream of Cooking A Feast

MEANING: Dream of cooking a feast expresses that your expectations sometimes play tricks on you. If you have a partner, you will live a magical day with her. Don’t be paralyzed by fear of what might happen. The best thing is to act with the most positive spirit possible, everything will be easier. You will […]
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Dream of Having Feast

MEANING: Dream of having feast indicates that are holding your emotions back and not expressing yourself. You are open to criticism or suggestions. Don’t let another day go by before you talk to someone you are angry with. Someone is working against you and taking advantage of your ignorance or naivete. Good results will reinforce […]
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Dream of Food Feast

MEANING: Dream of food feast indicates that you are unaware of something important that may be right in front of you. You will feel deeply inspired by a person you have not noticed before. Keep it up and you’ll reach your goals before you know it. Get away from the silly worries and discover what […]
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Dream of Eating Feast

MEANING: Dream of eating feast indicates that you could sell certain items you have at home that you no longer need. But these days the trend is going to improve and you will manage to stabilize your current account again. You will think of someone you shared your life with in the past and you […]
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