Dream of Falling Mirror

MEANING: Dream of falling mirror shows that you are seeking more clarity and insight. Even if you are lazy, it is a good time to go to the dentist or watch your eyesight. You begin to look forward with optimism and discover other people. A friend will disappoint you greatly and you will feel sad. […]
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Dream of Worms Falling From Ceiling

MEANING: Dream of worms falling from ceiling suggests that today you will be more sensitive than usual and maybe some tears will fall on your cheeks. You have the right attitude toward life. You will feel stuck at work and will be enveloped by a certain sense of emptiness, tedium and despair. You have managed […]
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Dream of Falling Stars

MEANING: Dream of falling stars means that today it is very important that you take care of your relationship with friends. A casual encounter can culminate in an adventure if you let yourself. It is time to others share in some of the responsibilities you have. You’re going to take control and waste romanticism. Don’t […]
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Dream of Falling Asleep While Driving

MEANING: Dream of falling asleep while driving signifies that sometimes you forget what you can give to others. Don’t be afraid of the reaction of a person who is sometimes quite hard on you. You need to take on a different perspective or viewpoint. You need to approach and tackle a problem in your life. […]
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Dream of My Son Falling From Height

MEANING: Dream of my son falling from height symbolises that when you start to overcome these difficulties, you will see that you have as many opportunities as others. You are afraid of not knowing what is in store for you in the future. New opportunities related to your finances will come to you that you […]
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Dream of Falling Stones

MEANING: Dream of falling stones symbolises that you will do the math and even deprive yourself of a whim for that reason, but you will not care. You will count on your mental agility to act quickly, especially in material matters. If you are working in contact with clients or facing the public, everything will […]
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Dream of Falling Scaffold

MEANING: Dream of falling scaffold means that although you don’t want to show it to your partner, the truth is that today you need to be pampered and taken care of. It is possible that you let yourself be carried away by sensuality and you are tempted to have a passionate night again. It is […]
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Dream of Falling Pear

MEANING: Dream of falling pear means that your subconscious mind is hungering for knowledge or information. Don’t be discouraged because you are experiencing work or professional difficulties today. You will have luck on your side and a problem that was bothering you will disappear by itself. It is nothing serious, but it will be necessary […]
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