Dream of Rats Falling

MEANING: Dream of rats falling indicates that you are involved in some secretive or underhanded activity. You hurt a loved one a few days ago and have not yet asked for forgiveness. Attend to friends if they warn you that there is a person close to you who speaks ill of you. He needs to […]
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Dream of Objects Falling From The Sky

MEANING: Dream of objects falling from the sky signifies that it is preferable that you do not flirt with a person whose intentions you know well. You are being cautiously optimistic about the good news you receive. You are ignoring everything else around you. The time of power is the present, so don’t be whipped […]
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Dream of Surviving A Fall

MEANING: Dream of surviving a fall shows that there are seasons when you have a too routine activity and that ends up taking its toll. Change, renew, expel from your life what is not useful. You will enjoy fairly good health and vitality. This communication will be very beneficial for both. You will have to […]
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Dream of Beard Hair Falling Out

MEANING: Dream of beard hair falling out indicates that you need to be more independent and take on more responsibilities. Things are as they are, but letting yourself be infected by the negative will not bring you anything positive. You are afraid of something that will never really happen. You suffer a delay or a […]
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Dream of Hair And Teeth Falling Out

MEANING: Dream of hair and teeth falling out expresses that a current situation or relationship in your life resembles the quality. You will experience some grief over an extended period of time. Recognize your merits and don’t be so humble, because sometimes you exceed in this sense. You have the capacity for it, although you […]
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Dream of Whole Teeth Falling Out

MEANING: Dream of whole teeth falling out indicates that you have realized that external achievements are ephemeral and illusory. A personal relationship that was somewhat confused becomes clearer. The social or political will have you very interested today. There is a past message that you may have overlooked. The truth is that it is going […]
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