Dream of Crashing Elevator

MEANING: Dream of crashing elevator signifies that you solve it well, although you should not hesitate to pick up the phone and ask what you don’t know. You are looking for some guidance into your subconscious. You will learn many new things that will come in handy. Stop regretting over and over what has already […]
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Dream of A Stranger Elevator

MEANING: Dream of a stranger elevator indicates that you are overworked or have too much on your mind. You will understand that there is nothing written and that you can change any situation if you put your mind to it. Try to be more supportive and not to close yourself off from your ideas. Today […]
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Dream of Empty Elevator

MEANING: Dream of empty elevator suggests that you are feeling empowered and undefeatable. Perhaps you are feeling a little lost in the world. You are surrounded by a person quite older than you who shows interest. What is related to love is complicated today. You may be bringing together two different things that would better […]
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Dream of Scary Elevator

MEANING: Dream of scary elevator suggests that in addition, you will have the ability to show your feelings of grief or joy. Assume that your way of doing things does not have to please everyone. Someone close to you may try to offend you, but he will only succeed if you consent. In the face […]
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Dream of Breaking An Elevator

MEANING: Dream of breaking an elevator signifies that you will be more effusive than usual and will not be afraid of short distances. You are not accepting responsibilities for your own actions. Don’t worry so much about the future at work today, since you can’t change what’s there. You still have some ways to go […]
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Dream of Elevator Buttons

MEANING: Dream of elevator buttons means that you enter a period of seriousness and commitment in your love life. Don’t worry about everything being in place. You know who is right, so this time you must position yourself and come to their defense. After all, deep down you know that it is a moral obligation […]
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Dream of Elevator Stuck

MEANING: Dream of elevator stuck shows that you may be seeking some guidance in the course of your actions. All that is normal, but you should try not to make it emotionally unstable. Such excessive attention can be very negative at this time and generate unnecessary tension. It’s a good day to intensify your professional […]
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Dream of A Blue Elevator

MEANING: Dream of a blue elevator suggests that a change in thinking will now give you victory in love. It is important to give in and respect the ways others act in order to live together. Perhaps you feel that you have drifted apart and the relationship has grown cold. You will put first now […]
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Dream of Elevator Dropping

MEANING: Dream of elevator dropping signifies that your partner or one of your children could help you if you ask them. If you are asked for help, get involved, but do not assume the concerns of others as your own. You might want to take a couple of days off. Perhaps an ailment that seemed […]
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