Dream of Voodoo Doll

MEANING: Dream of voodoo doll expresses that if you push too hard, you can lose everything. You may receive negative work-related news today. Be very careful because it will not be difficult for you to have some discussion. It will be a moment when you can meet yourself and leave behind certain misunderstandings. You do […]
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Dream of Big Doll

MEANING: Dream of big doll symbolises that you are able to steer something toward a direction. Understands that this is not the time to grieve for anything in the past. Do not listen to that voice in your head that does not allow you to be happy. You must impose yourself now and mark your […]
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Dream of Moving Dolls

MEANING: Dream of moving dolls suggests that something that seemed under control at work, could get complicated. To start the peace process you will have to love yourself a little more and dedicate a couple of hours to yourself. The feeling that there are things that are over and that we must assume will be […]
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Dream of Doll Recast

MEANING: Dream of doll recast expresses that you are directing your aggression toward one person. Between so much celebration and commitments, perhaps you have abused your strength to please others. You don’t want to listen to a person who’s really getting on your nerves about money. For some time you have been liking a person […]
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Dream of Playing With Dolls

MEANING: Dream of playing with dolls signifies that you need to pay closer attention to your health. You must put aside a certain issue that concerns you. You will open the doors of your enchanted house and organize a meeting with great care. It may be far from where you live, but that can also […]
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Dream of Doll Talking

MEANING: Dream of doll talking signifies that try to make your reaction as calm as possible, even if it makes you seem more cold and rational. A current situation or relationship in your life resembles the quality. Your presence will be claimed in different circles and social activities. You are making a bold and daring […]
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Dream of Being Bitten By A Doll

MEANING: Dream of being bitten by a doll indicates that your feelings are repeatedly being belittled, undermined or unacknowledged. There is some sort of confusion in how and where you distribute your energies. Going little by little will give you better results in everything. You need a different point of view than yours to solve […]
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Dream of Doll House

MEANING: Dream of doll house suggests that don’t make important decisions today. You will feel somewhat sad and lack energy and you will not know why. Working on your self-esteem today is one of the best things you can do. Your most ambitious side will wake up and there will be no one to stop […]
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Dream of Giving Birth To A Doll

MEANING: Dream of giving birth to a doll indicates that you miss somebody and are trying to relive your old experiences you had with him/her. To go a step further you need to recognize some of your responsibility in a matter that comes from far away. Let it rest, try not to think about it […]
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