Dream of A Talking Doll

MEANING: Dream of a talking doll shows that perhaps you are preoccupied with the weather and hope that it doesn’t ruin your plans. You get into the routine after a few days of rebellion. If you don’t have the things clear, transmit it to your partner so that he doesn’t make false illusions. The sensual […]
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Dream of Doll E-an

MEANING: Dream of doll e-an expresses that affective relationships will be intense, although you will have to impose your criteria on some things. You feel that you do not have the power to change the path that your life is taking on. Of course, you can’t deny that sometimes you are an eccentric who takes […]
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Dream of Doll Pets

MEANING: Dream of doll pets signifies that you may be jeopardizing your health with your reckless behavior. You need to analyze a situation carefully. You have no sense of who this person really are. Don’t play emotional blackmail with your partner, because it can be expensive. Share this moment with your friends, but don’t forget […]
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Dream of Doll Tender Shall

MEANING: Dream of doll tender shall suggests that you don’t want to get into a war and that’s why you’ll keep your mouth shut. You are opening yourself up to a new situation and allowing yourself to be vulnerable. Opportunities and doors are being opened. You should not mind being alone because others have their […]
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Dream of Doll Coming To Life

MEANING: Dream of doll coming to life symbolises that you are trying to emulate someone you admire. You will be talkative and intelligent and that will improve your image a lot. Today you won’t see it that way, but in the next few days everything will be much better. If you don’t want to, you […]
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Dream of An Evil Doll

MEANING: Dream of an evil doll suggests that your partner deserves the best of the best, as you know. Take the step soon, because you want to feel liberated as soon as possible. Your image will change a lot as soon as you set your mind to it. You are able to land on your […]
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Dream of Crying Doll

MEANING: Dream of crying doll expresses that there is something that worries you that needs to be addressed as soon as possible. You will feel like crying when you discover something that has been hidden until now. It will be a day of emotional highs and lows. Use it at work, it will be useful […]
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Dream of Dolls Website

MEANING: Dream of dolls website shows that you need to repent for some misdeed that you have committed. You are ready to enjoy and reap the benefits of your work. You’ll want to calmly weigh all the pros and cons. There is something nagging at your conscience. Practice what you preach. The dream about dolls […]
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Dream of Possessed Doll

MEANING: Dream of possessed doll expresses that your ability to adapt to circumstances will be tested sooner than you think. You must believe in yourself as much as you never have before and never have. You feel that your privacy has been invaded. You need to care for the child within yourself. Try to organize […]
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Dream of Creepy Doll

MEANING: Dream of creepy doll means that everything turns around and is transformed in your working world. At work you’ll get all the looks because you’ll solve with last minute setbacks. It is time to specify what you expect from others. You will provide solutions in your closest environment, in your family or in your […]
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