Dream of Buried Alive Dog

MEANING: Dream of buried alive dog means that you may be losing interest in some relationship or issue. Maybe you feel so tired during the day because you don’t sleep well, even though you don’t realize it. The world of the spiritual will give you that peace that you so much look for inside you. […]
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Dream of Recently Deceased Dog

MEANING: Dream of recently deceased dog means that in your relationship a small conflict will be revealed that will have to be attended and solved. It will bring you a light, a spiritual guide that can do you a lot of good. It is time to give up on this dead-end relationship or unprofitable projects. […]
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Dream of Sleeping With Dog

MEANING: Dream of sleeping with dog suggests that you must persevere and keep your discipline at bay, without weakening your will power. You are at a very good time to embark on new professional adventures. Now the focus is your professional life and your position in the eyes of the world. There is some sort […]
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Dream of A White Brown Dog

MEANING: Dream of a white brown dog expresses that life will send you a sign today that you will have to decipher in order to follow the right path. You may feel good because you don’t want any major commitments or demands. They may propose a plan that you don’t want too much, but accept […]
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Dream of Giving Dog Away

MEANING: Dream of giving dog away expresses that your boldness has played a trick on you, but making the same mistake would be even more harmful. You are experiencing some overwhelming turmoil or problems in your life. You will need to make things clear so that nothing and no one takes you for a ride. […]
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Dream of Hitting Dog

MEANING: Dream of hitting dog shows that you will break a commitment to yourself and that will make you feel bad. You need to reevaluate and rethink a situation or relationship in your life. If you are still studying, during these days you will have the opportunity to improve your situation. Don’t let your health […]
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Dream of Dog And Snake

MEANING: Dream of dog and snake indicates that you are worried that others will see the real you and criticize you. Everything around you today demands a lot of determination. This is not the time to make professional mistakes, but you will have to take responsibility. The escape you will make on this bridge will […]
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Dream of Giving Food To Dog

MEANING: Dream of giving food to dog means that you will feel an inner need to spend time alone with yourself. You are ready to confront your true feelings and submerge yourself in your emotions. It would be good for you to open your mind to the new possibilities that are presenting themselves in your […]
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Dream of A Biting Dog

MEANING: Dream of a biting dog shows that follow all health advice. You will be during today very communicative, extremely expressive and friendly. You are striving for goals that seem beyond your reach. You are feeling disconnected in some aspect of your life – work, relationship or home life. You are one who is willing […]
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