Dream of Black Labrador Dog

MEANING: Dream of black labrador dog shows that someone you thought had been totally forgotten will return to your life. You are letting minor things bother you. You are inefficient in how you complete your projects or goals. You may feel that you are being prevented or restricted from freely expressing yourself. The anger of […]
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Dream of Dog Biting My Bum

MEANING: Dream of dog biting my bum expresses that don’t close any professional doors, especially if your work situation is uncertain. Use your best judgment in deciding on that relationship. In love, you’ll have to give up a lot, but it won’t cost you much. You are trying to understand the other person and see […]
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Dream of Dog Chase

MEANING: Dream of dog chase expresses that you are lacking some affection or love in your life. You want to add some spice to your life. You need to let go your negative thoughts and start expressing your emotions. You can’t pay for your problems with others and then act like nothing happened. Manage it […]
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Dream of Finding Lost Dog

MEANING: Dream of finding lost dog indicates that you need to incorporate a quality that one of your friend has into yourself. You don’t dare to make an important decision because the fear of being wrong keeps you paralyzed. You need to be more flexible in your situation and adapt to changes. This will disrupt […]
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Dream of Dog Feces

MEANING: Dream of dog feces expresses that you have to learn to tolerate them more because otherwise you will face an unpleasant situation. Delaying a trip that is not yet fully booked will be the smartest thing to do. Otherwise, you will be assaulted by memories of the past that sometimes hurt you. You have […]
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Dream of Dog Fleas

MEANING: Dream of dog fleas indicates that to achieve your personal goals you should not play the pride card so much. You are feeling smothered or oppressed by some situation or relationship. Take away from you the feeling that you are alone in front of problems, because it is not true. You may feel that […]
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Dream of Toothless Dog Bite

MEANING: Dream of toothless dog bite symbolises that a situation, in your opinion unfair, makes you feel bad within your own family. You don’t want to isolate yourself and get into a bubble that would surprise those closest to you. There are friends who are not what you think, and sometimes you run the risk […]
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Dream of Dog Freezing

MEANING: Dream of dog freezing shows that if it is something material, you will know how to solve it well. You will not lack opportunities today to open your social circle. Someone will try to make fun of you, but you must not allow it. It will not necessarily be something negative, but it will […]
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