Dream of Buying Dishes

MEANING: Dream of buying dishes indicates that you’ve been on a tightrope for a long time and can’t take the pressure anymore. You will be asked for more documents or justifications of some kind that you have no choice but to look for. Get rid of those people who take away your positive energy. You […]
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Dream of Many Dishes

MEANING: Dream of many dishes signifies that perhaps someone unexpected has crossed your path. Do not provoke any verbal conflict with your partner or family today. Accept that changes are necessary for your evolution. The opportunities for advancement are opened to you, but you need to take the next step. You must learn to laugh […]
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Dream of Drying Dishes

MEANING: Dream of drying dishes indicates that perhaps you are living vicariously through the actions of others. It is the time to swallow your pride and let the past go. It will be a day to dedicate to family and relationships. The accent of the day will be on your love life. Ignore their criticism […]
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Dream of Curry Dish

MEANING: Dream of curry dish suggests that you need to learn to be more assertive and stand up for yourself. Be empathetic to others and try to express yourself clearly and directly and everything will be easier. You are able to easily convey your feelings, beliefs or ideas to others. It’s time to take a […]
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Dream of Old Dishes

MEANING: Dream of old dishes symbolises that any help you can give to others will be multiplied in the future. You will have to face tense situations in which you must impose yourself and defend your ideas. Develops strength through friendship. Don’t make homemade excuses and let yourself go for once, without wanting to be […]
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Dream of Dropping Dishes

MEANING: Dream of dropping dishes suggests that after an uncertain season, very productive and fruitful times are coming. Love must be cultivated day by day, and this makes you responsible. You will make a false step when it comes to a somewhat sensitive issue that not only affects you. You will make communication better in […]
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Dream of Washing Dishes

MEANING: Dream of washing dishes signifies that it won’t be too important, but you might take it too seriously. You have returned to a place where you had a great time and have good and faithful friends. Going forward in the wrong direction can cause you to go backwards unnecessarily. Again you will argue with […]
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Dream of Breaking Dishes

MEANING: Dream of breaking dishes signifies that you will progress through life at a slow and steady pace. You are displaying your aggressive nature. Act quickly, don’t be lazy, because it can be a good opportunity. Work hard at what you want to achieve and you will succeed. You are feeling helpless, stifled or smothered […]
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Dream of Eating Dishes

MEANING: Dream of eating dishes expresses that you need to show your honor toward an important person or situation. You are lacking a certain aspect or quality that the loved one embodies. Before starring in a jealousy scene, talk to your partner and express your insecurities. It’s time to speak up, to courageously express what […]
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