Dream of Your Crush Pregnant

MEANING: Dream of your crush pregnant expresses that pay attention to the signs around you that teach you a new way of looking at your life. Someone could give you a new opportunity for your personal evolution. You need better understanding of something. A blunder will rain down criticism on you today. You need to […]
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Dream of Spending Time With Crush

MEANING: Dream of spending time with crush symbolises that your life is lacking sensuality and passion. You recover energy, even though you don’t want to wear it out physically or emotionally. Improve your somewhat aggressive attitude towards others. Be supportive of the people you love. Today you will feel misunderstood by everyone and will end […]
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Dream of Body Crush

MEANING: Dream of body crush suggests that some aspect of your self may have been prevented from fully developing. Try to be more objective in this matter and put in value what you have, which is still a lot. You may also be seeking some form of acceptance. You are intentionally ignoring some information. Maintain […]
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Dream of Rejection By Crush

MEANING: Dream of rejection by crush expresses that you will feel today that someone is moving away from you or giving you time to meet with you. You are in luck, but you should not trust yourself because it can change at any time. If you have a partner, avoid situations that could lead to […]
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Dream of Your Crush With Another Girl

MEANING: Dream of your crush with another girl indicates that you have laid the groundwork for your success. Leave your fears behind and get out of your comfort zone, a new world will open up for you. Several friends would be willing to take a trip with you if you proposed. You are drifting through […]
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Dream of Childhood Crush

MEANING: Dream of childhood crush indicates that go about your business, without looking at what’s around you that you don’t like too much. You will dare to be happy without feeling guilty and you will enjoy that feeling more than you can imagine. You are looking to be in a relationship, but are looking in […]
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Dream of Ribs Being Crushed

MEANING: Dream of ribs being crushed symbolises that take a deep breath and give yourself a break if you notice increasing distress in work issues. You will eventually achieve your desires and goals after some effort and struggle. Someone will propose you to join a most suggestive plan that you cannot refuse. You are trying […]
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Dream of Crushed Car

MEANING: Dream of crushed car symbolises that luck will be your ally and that is why you are interested in seeing from a distance. You may find yourself somewhat low on defenses, so you may want to take some restorative. What is clear is that you like security and to always put your feet on […]
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