Dream of See Crayons

MEANING: Dream of see crayons signifies that some situation in your life has put you on guard. Don’t strive for the absolute ideal with your partner, because nobody is perfect and neither are you. Perhaps you are seeking permission for something. You are afraid of confronting your own feelings. Your mood will improve a lot […]
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Dream of Lots Of Crayons

MEANING: Dream of lots of crayons indicates that propose to smile and not give so much importance to what is not really important. Perhaps you are too conservative in your daily life and need to experiment. Speak to him calmly and confidently, but whatever he says to you, do not hold anything against him. You […]
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Dream of Crayons

MEANING: Dream of crayons shows that you are spending so much time playing a game or watching tv. You will know how to express clearly what ails you to find the right solution. You may feel that someone or some situation is invading into your space. You need to approach your goals with practicality. You […]
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Dream of Eating Crayons

MEANING: Dream of eating crayons shows that your area of spirituality is activated and there are changes within you. The time has come to cross certain bridges that, until now, you had not dared to pass. It wouldn’t hurt today to review some of your beliefs with the filter of reason. Today will be a […]
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Dream of Colorful Crayons

MEANING: Dream of colorful crayons shows that you are quite concerned about economic issues and that will make you think a lot. You run the risk of appearing cold and insensitive to someone in a situation that will present itself to you today. You need to add a little more excitement and variety to you […]
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Dream of Many Crayons

MEANING: Dream of many crayons suggests that you need more spirituality in your life. In any case, conveniently value everything you have enjoyed these days. A trip abroad will be an experience you will not forget. You are enjoying life’s little pleasure. Some bad news and ill health will prevent you from achieving your desires. […]
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Dream of Pencil Crayons

MEANING: Dream of pencil crayons indicates that you may have self-esteem issues and often feel overlooked. Your intelligence will be wide awake to know when there is sincerity and when it is only appearance. When you want, you know how to be charming and today you must take advantage of your friendly side to achieve […]
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