Dream of Cleaning Headstone

MEANING: Dream of cleaning headstone symbolises that from enthusiasm you will easily go into confusion today. Sometimes you want to cover more than you can and that’s not good. Pride plays these bad tricks, but they are not insurmountable if the relationship is really good. You need to listen and heed the message that someone […]
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Dream of Cleaning Chicken

MEANING: Dream of cleaning chicken expresses that today you will choose to dedicate your free time to take a long walk. You have avoided your feelings for too long. You need to let go of your immaturity and start being more serious. Take advantage of the positive part they have, but be careful not to […]
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Dream of Cleaning Church

MEANING: Dream of cleaning church signifies that you have to give yourself the option of having your heart filled with joy and passion. Watch out for your critical or destructive tendency towards others or their attitudes. You are searching for love and acceptance. Complications arise with children or in the home. You are still thinking […]
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Dream of Cleaning Mirror

MEANING: Dream of cleaning mirror expresses that making that decision is more important than you can see now. There will be positive surprises in many ways. Don’t take it into account and don’t make a mountain out of a molehill. Someone tries to call your attention to something. You are at odds with someone in […]
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Dream of Cleaning Vomit

MEANING: Dream of cleaning vomit shows that you will achieve your goals through perseverance and hard work. You and your partner might argue about why you both want to keep your privacy. You are trying to hold on to the sweetness and pleasures that you are experiencing in your life. You are not letting aspects […]
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Dream of Cleaning Vehicle

MEANING: Dream of cleaning vehicle suggests that today will be a day for you to enjoy with your partner. You are exploring aspects of your emotions, but are not ready to act. Today in love you will be selective and will not let yourself be carried away by what you see on the outside. You […]
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Dream of Cleaning Potty

MEANING: Dream of cleaning potty signifies that various aspects of your life are coming together. Today you will be radiant and all the people you meet will want to be close to you. Today you will pay attention to intimate life and people who are very close. Those projects are not a bad idea, even […]
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Dream of Cleaning Rice

MEANING: Dream of cleaning rice means that you will eventually achieve your desires and goals after some effort and struggle. That new way of approaching things will comfort you and give you strength to look ahead. You are still pending some study topic even for the next course. Take the initiative and call a person […]
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