Dream of Caterpillar Cocoon

MEANING: Dream of caterpillar cocoon indicates that if you feel overwhelmed at any time, take it out on a friend you care about. Someone very inconsiderate will try to get you out of your head with their unpleasant comments. You need to correct your thinking and readjust your attitude. In your routine there are still […]
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Dream of Caterpillar

MEANING: Dream of caterpillar means that you may be battling fidelity or loyalty issues in a relationship. Before the summer ends you could meet someone special. Today you see an open door that until now had been closed to you. You are becoming too deeply involved in something that is beyond your control. Not the […]
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Dream of Being Chased By A Caterpillar

MEANING: Dream of being chased by a caterpillar indicates that you will have to face a new professional challenge that will be physically and mentally demanding. Overcome the resistance that could prevent you from doing what you know leads to happiness. Do it, but don’t be harmed by this praiseworthy attitude. Start designing a project […]
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Dream of Hairy Caterpillar

MEANING: Dream of hairy caterpillar suggests that today you will need your space and have time for yourself, but at the same time you will have many commitments. You are being recognized for your abilities and talents. That encounter, a little bit wanted and a little bit casual, will put you in tray to know […]
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Dream of A Big Caterpillar

MEANING: Dream of a big caterpillar symbolises that a relationship or situation is unraveling or drifting apart. Cast aside all regrets and go in search of the positive in life. Perhaps, there is a situation that you are unwilling to accept. Today your cheerful, bright and impressive personality will make you stand out no matter […]
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Dream of Spitting Out Caterpillar

MEANING: Dream of spitting out caterpillar means that try to relocate as soon as possible or your work relationships will be affected. You’ll spend more time with people you don’t see as often. You are being attracted to someone who is much younger than you and that worries you. You recover some property or come […]
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Dream of White Caterpillar

MEANING: Dream of white caterpillar shows that you will experience a small dispute with a neighbor or someone in your family environment. You need to be more adventurous and get more involved. Soul mates join you for greater achievements. Don’t try to finish all the tasks and be so perfectionist. You have fun and control […]
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Dream of Eating Caterpillars

MEANING: Dream of eating caterpillars means that you may not have taken much care of your diet or you may have gone too far with the alcohol. You come across a very effective home remedy that someone will suggest. There is a literal disconnect between how you feel and what you think. You should have […]
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