Dream of Cardboard

MEANING: Dream of cardboard symbolises that only you can make certain decisions that affect third parties or young children. Be aware of messages you receive on your smartphone and through social networks. In addition, there will be a point of reflection that will make you a philosopher. You are shedding off some unwanted aspect of […]
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Dream of Cardboard House

MEANING: Dream of cardboard house suggests that it is time to take a stand and be more assertive. Use your time wisely and don’t give up on achieving fascinating goals. Consider very seriously what is the next step you want to take with your partner. You must listen to their demands and sometimes put their […]
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Dream of Eating Cardboard

MEANING: Dream of eating cardboard suggests that let nothing disturb you, not even your own thoughts. You will make a risky decision that will not be well understood by everyone. You will be very confident in everything you do and say. You may have a hard time, but today you will have to face some […]
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Dream of Cardboard Boxes

MEANING: Dream of cardboard boxes indicates that those impediments that you see perhaps you put them yourself by some very deep fears. Perhaps you are taking advantage of others or that someone is taking advantage of you. A problem that has been in your life for some time will solve itself. You need to let […]
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