Dream of Car Falling In Hole

MEANING: Dream of car falling in hole expresses that the most important thing right now will be your home and your family. Not a day to be running around. Try to be more communicative with your partner and with your family in general. You may be experiencing a higher level of consciousness, new-found freedom and […]
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Dream of Bees In My Car

MEANING: Dream of bees in my car expresses that don’t let anyone force you to do what you don’t want. You need to clear your thoughts and get a fresh perspective on things. You are being prevented from expression your views, opinions or feeling. Your way of being will bring romance and fun into your […]
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Dream of Upside Down Car

MEANING: Dream of upside down car symbolises that avoid obsessions that will get you nowhere. Forget what others are doing or saying. You are displaying your aggressive nature. There is a barrier obstructing your progress. Others will try to persuade you into illicit pleasures and abandon your own sense of morality. In your dream about […]
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Dream of Getting Car Keys

MEANING: Dream of getting car keys expresses that you need to be more concise in how you express yourself. Your mood is quite high and that will push you to overspend. Sometimes you insist on being right without realizing that it takes away a lot of happiness and inner peace. You fill yourself with courage […]
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Dream of Uncontrollable Car

MEANING: Dream of uncontrollable car suggests that you are in a constant state of alert. Your actions are being misunderstood and misconstrued. If you need someone to help you at work, ask specifically. An event from the past is still going around in your head. Perhaps you are feeling steamed about something. In analyzing your […]
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Dream of Being Dragged By Car

MEANING: Dream of being dragged by car expresses that your relationship will take on a special role today. He wants something, but he doesn’t know how to ask you. It would not be surprising if you were upset with your partner or for sentimental reasons. In life it is more important how you do things […]
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Dream of Getting Car Jacked

MEANING: Dream of getting car jacked means that partners will also be in good standing and the accounts begin to balance. You are making some mistakes that you are not fully aware of today. You need to look to the past order to learn from it. If you feel you need to disconnect and get […]
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Dream of Car Going Off Road

MEANING: Dream of car going off road means that communication skills with family and friends are emphasized. You keep stumbling over the same rock in your relationship. You need a new project or a new illusion, but be clear that nobody is going to take it to your house. It is possible for someone to […]
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