Dream of Overtaking A Car

MEANING: Dream of overtaking a car indicates that sometimes you have a hard time accepting the rules and rebelling against what is established and the authority. The waters have already calmed down today, but some tension remains. You get an extra shot of vitality that you can use to your advantage. Don’t want to carry […]
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Dream of Car Being Sold

MEANING: Dream of car being sold indicates that you will like to pamper them, but also to be pampered and to be given gifts. Today you will attract all the lonely hearts. Envy is hidden admiration, and if you feel annoyed you will put yourself on the same level. You enjoy optimal health, but it […]
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Dream of Flooded Car

MEANING: Dream of flooded car signifies that in reality, what you will initially see as negative will later be positive. Understands that nothing is so far away that it cannot be done. You’ll be worried about having a possible visit that, deep down, you don’t want to receive. There is a higher force who you […]
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Dream of Expensive Car

MEANING: Dream of expensive car indicates that you can’t always reject the negative, so you can’t grow and learn. It is now when you are giving the best of yourself at work and you start to see good results. You will make plans and projects with your partner that will be very useful to strengthen […]
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Dream of Open Car Door

MEANING: Dream of open car door signifies that emotionality will be intense in all the relationships and contacts you have throughout the day. You are not paying enough attention to what someone is trying to tell you. Avoid being splashed by other people’s bad rolls. You are plunging into new emotional territory. Some people don’t […]
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Dream of Car Crashing Into Ocean

MEANING: Dream of car crashing into ocean shows that there can be very comforting surprises and positive health news. Take advantage of the weekend to rest and disconnect from routine. You are renewing or updating your self image. Today, thanks to a family politician, you will have an interesting financial opportunity. Perhaps you feel trapped […]
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Dream of A Rust Car

MEANING: Dream of a rust car expresses that spending the day quietly, with as little activity as possible is the best thing you can do today. A part of you dies to make way for a new person. If someone in your family gets too involved in your business, stop them as soon as possible. […]
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Dream of Race Car

MEANING: Dream of race car shows that you are close to becoming who you really want to be. Make sure they know how important it is to you. Everything is going well, but sometimes you feel afraid of what is coming. You want to dominate or overpower a person in your life. Perhaps you need […]
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Dream of Car Falling Into Ocean

MEANING: Dream of car falling into ocean indicates that a meal may be the best time to gain some kind of power in that area. Today will come satisfaction for social work. It is not a day for you to go around thinking about all the things you have to do and don’t do. Information […]
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