Dream of Being Attacked In Car

MEANING: Dream of being attacked in car symbolises that today select your words well because you run the risk of others not understanding you. If you face it head on and don’t hide from the real reasons, you’ll nod more freely. Days of great uncertainty are approaching, but eventually everything will be resolved in a […]
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Dream of Driving Car In Water

MEANING: Dream of driving car in water expresses that it could be a love theme or something more material or concrete. You miss being in a relationship and to feel wanted. Today will be a bit overwhelming, because you have many things to solve. You are trying to break from your routine. This firmness you […]
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Dream of Fancy Car

MEANING: Dream of fancy car means that if you have done everything in your power, do not martyr yourself. Today you will see things more calmly and know how to organize everything you have to do. Open your mind and let in other opinions and other ways of seeing life. You will be criticized for […]
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Dream of Test Driving A Car

MEANING: Dream of test driving a car symbolises that today you will feel more vulnerable, weak and insecure than usual. Let the day pass in a contemplative way. With friends, you will be the center of attention because of your communication skills. It will change the opinion you have about a partner who until now […]
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Dream of Driving New Car

MEANING: Dream of driving new car symbolises that too much mental activity is being expended towards a task at hand. You should not martyr yourself if something you have dedicated a lot of time to does not turn out as you expected. If you stay calm in any circumstance today, you will be the winner […]
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Dream of Minor Car Crash

MEANING: Dream of minor car crash signifies that someone from your past will suddenly appear in your life and try to initiate an approach. You tend to worry about what people think of you. You will not lack ideas and the truth is that you will like to try everything. Circumstances may separate you from […]
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