Dream of Being Called Stupid

MEANING: Dream of being called stupid symbolises that you may have a blind date you wouldn’t forget for a long time. You are even colder to those who love and appreciate you most. The biggest bet you can make in your life is to be on your side. You will show yourself to be sociable […]
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Dream of My Mom Calling My Name

MEANING: Dream of my mom calling my name shows that asking forgiveness is a healing attitude that will do you a lot of good. You need to let off steam and not keep anything to yourself. You tend to speak your mind even if it may offend others. You need to acknowledge some aspect of […]
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Dream of Receive Phone Call

MEANING: Dream of receive phone call symbolises that if you have any temptation today, you can indulge yourself in part, always in moderation and with wisdom. It is not in your hands to recover what one day there was and you must accept things as they are. He who left your side will live eternally […]
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Dream of Mother Calling Me

MEANING: Dream of mother calling me symbolises that don’t show weakness today or show negative aspects of yourself, no matter how much you know they are there. Time has run for you on some project or opportunity. It will be the proof that you finally have the life you dreamed of. No one should rush […]
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Dream of Calling Father

MEANING: Dream of calling father shows that you will go unnoticed at a business meeting or a social event and that will disturb you. You lead an active life and are always on the go. You should alert that family member or friend that he or she is on the wrong track. At work, don’t […]
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Dream of Calling My Ex

MEANING: Dream of calling my ex symbolises that problems, tensions and work have worn down your emotional state. Avoid staying at home as you will only get to think about the same. Something that may seemingly be insignificant may actually be causing much troubles or hindrances. You should concentrate on one point and solve it. […]
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Dream of Calling A Friend

MEANING: Dream of calling a friend symbolises that it is time for you to leave behind limiting beliefs so that you can be completely free. You will not lack money now to be happy and help others. You feel that you are too much of a giver in a situation or relationship. You will remember […]
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Dream of Calling Wrong Number

MEANING: Dream of calling wrong number shows that you are feeling numb in some area of your life. It’s a good day for you to value everything that shines around you. In health, you now regain your energy and vitality. Seeks allies and if the situation becomes complicated, professional help. It is better to take […]
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Dream of Missed Phone Call

MEANING: Dream of missed phone call expresses that you need to stop feeling sorry for yourself. Watch out for those who want to take advantage of you. Certain movements are approaching regarding love. You may be asked to mediate today between two friends or family members who are. You will be especially communicative, a circumstance […]
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