Dream of Guitar Breaking

MEANING: Dream of guitar breaking expresses that don’t play dumb and go to a specialist at the slightest symptom. You will be very attracted to platonic or unreachable loves today. A stage of certain conflicts imposed by social or economic circumstances begins. If you observe how a colleague criticizes and spreads a rumor, do not […]
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Dream of Legs Breaking

MEANING: Dream of legs breaking indicates that everyone has their own internal process and the best thing you can do is to give your unconditional support. Some physical or mental discomfort will invade you at a certain time in the afternoon. You will recover the illusion for something or someone and that will make today […]
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Dream of A Breaking Comb

MEANING: Dream of a breaking comb expresses that it is not good for you to mix the professional with the personal. Get involved in solidarity activities with others. You might accept a somewhat sordid job to favor someone you love very much. New opportunities present themselves, but you will have to think carefully about what […]
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Dream of Cup Breaking

MEANING: Dream of cup breaking means that your chances are much greater than you think right now. You are in a period of economizing more and spending less, using your head. It’s time to start taking risks in terms of profession and finances. A family member could give you some hopeful news. If you decided […]
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Dream of Breaking Hand

MEANING: Dream of breaking hand indicates that you need to be more aggressive and not let fear rule you. You are looking to process and understand some emotional issue. As you are foresighted, you will invest time in booking tickets or accommodation and it will work out. You cannot ignore someone who, in very good […]
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Dream of Breaking Keys

MEANING: Dream of breaking keys indicates that it will be someone who is not spectacularly beautiful, but attractive. Let the day pass without incidence and return to the charge a little later. It would be good for you to be attentive to someone who, in all probability, will cross paths with you today. If it […]
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Dream of Breaking Leg

MEANING: Dream of breaking leg symbolises that you are projecting your emotional wounds and painful experiences onto others. Turn the page and channel your energies into new projects. You are hindering and blocking your own growth. You may need to incorporate certain qualities into your own self. It is convenient that each action be carried […]
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Dream of Breaking Window

MEANING: Dream of breaking window signifies that you are going around in circles and headed no where. It may be a change of business, residence or position. You have lost your ability to balance aspects of your life. You need to lighten up on certain items you have at home. There are habits that benefit […]
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