Dream of A Crying Boyfriend

MEANING: Dream of a crying boyfriend means that focus on what concerns you directly. You want to preserve an aspect of your past. You are lacking control over the direction of your own life. You should not worry because you will know how to solve it at a distance, maybe with a lot of clarity […]
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Dream of Current Boyfriend

MEANING: Dream of current boyfriend shows that don’t be surprised if today’s plans don’t go entirely to your liking. New information is slowly revealing itself to you. It is very important that you set aside time to relax. You are looking for validation or approval. Don’t be so closed in on yourself, because sometimes you […]
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Dream of Ex Boyfriend Died

MEANING: Dream of ex boyfriend died expresses that stand up a little and enjoy that excellent news with people you appreciate very much. If you criticize something in another person, stop and think why you are doing it. You will think of someone you shared your life with in the past and you may feel […]
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