Dream of Boyfriend Stabbing Me

MEANING: Dream of boyfriend stabbing me indicates that you may be wrong in your assessment of someone you think is reliable and not so reliable. Show yourself attentive and receptive and aware of everything that happens. Your path is cleared and a smile appears on your face. You have fully accepted that a relationship is […]
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Dream of Boyfriend Trapped

MEANING: Dream of boyfriend trapped suggests that take it very philosophically and calmly and don’t get too excited that it won’t help you mentally. Take advantage today to get organized and put an end to pending projects at home. A family member will give you some very good news that you will celebrate in style. […]
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Dream of Beating Up Boyfriend

MEANING: Dream of beating up boyfriend suggests that it is time to go after the conquest of that one or that one that interests you so much. Your innate shyness will not be the table of salvation you hope for. You will feel sad after a silly argument with the person you love most. It […]
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Dream of Betraying Boyfriend

MEANING: Dream of betraying boyfriend signifies that if you stand firm and focused at all times, you will have no problem. Sometimes you feel very insecure and that makes you show a distant or arrogant attitude. Perhaps you are being someone who you are not. If you have a meal or family gathering you should […]
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Dream of Fighting Ex Boyfriend

MEANING: Dream of fighting ex boyfriend shows that you are experiencing difficulties in your progress. Reflect on your lifestyle and the excesses you commit. You are refusing to acknowledge or accept certain qualities of your friend. Your sense of responsibility will lead you to exhaust your emotional energies. You will have clarity of thought, drive […]
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Dream of Arguing With Boyfriend

MEANING: Dream of arguing with boyfriend suggests that deep down inside, you know that a person is bad for you, yet you are still drawn to her or him. The decisions you make in the workplace will be right. You feel that your attention or time is being divided. Communicate with your loved ones abroad. […]
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Dream of Argument With Boyfriend

MEANING: Dream of argument with boyfriend shows that you will no longer allow yourself to be taken advantage of. You know he’s right, so you should make time for this person and show him your support. Rumors can make you lose your partner’s stability. You are embracing a newfound independence. Finally your mental summer has […]
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